SlexAxton / require-handlebars-plugin

A plugin for handlebars in require.js (both in dev and build)
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Error: Missing helper: 'yeller' #226

Closed dreamdeveloper closed 9 years ago

dreamdeveloper commented 9 years ago

Hi, for two days, I try to eliminate the error "Error: Missing helper: 'yeller' ". I'm think that's pieces of code help you to understand my problem, Thanks and please help.

:dash: templates/helpers/yeller.js

define(['handlebars'], function ( Handlebars ){
  var yeller = function( context ) {
    // Assume it's a string for simplicity.
    return context + "!!!!!!!!";

  Handlebars.registerHelper("yeller", yeller);
  return yeller;


define( ['App', 'backbone', 'marionette', 'jquery', 'models/Model', 'hbs!templates/welcome'],
    function(App, Backbone, Marionette, $, Model, template) {
        //ItemView provides some default rendering logic

        return Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend( {
            template: template,
            model: new Model({

            // View Event Handlers
            events: {


:pray: config.js

    // 3rd party script alias names (Easier to type "jquery" than "libs/jquery, etc")
    // probably a good idea to keep version numbers in the file names for updates checking
        // Core Libraries
        "jasmine": "../libs/jasmine",
        "jasmine-html": "../libs/jasmine-html",

        // Plugins
        "jasminejquery": "../libs/plugins/jasmine-jquery"
    // Sets the configuration for your third party scripts that are not AMD compatible
        // Twitter Bootstrap jQuery plugins
        // jQueryUI
        // jQuery mobile

        // Backbone
            // Depends on underscore/lodash and jQuery
            "deps":["underscore", "jquery"],
            // Exports the global window.Backbone object
            "deps":["underscore", "backbone", "jquery"],
        // Backbone.validateAll plugin that depends on Backbone

        "jasmine": {
            // Exports the global 'window.jasmine' object
            "exports": "jasmine"

        "jasmine-html": {
            "deps": ["jasmine"],
            "exports": "jasmine"
    // hbs config - must duplicate in Gruntfile.js Require build
    hbs: {
        helpers: true,
         disableI18n : false,

        templateExtension: "html",
        helperDirectory: "templates/helpers/",
        i18nDirectory: "templates/i18n/",
        compileOptions: {}        // options object which is passed to Handlebars compiler


<div class="hero-unit">
    <p>Boilerplate Marionette application to help you get started with the best tools and best practices</p>

    <p class="muted">
        You are viewing this application on
        {{#if mobile}}
        {{!"mobile" key in i18n file}}
        <strong>{{$ mobile}}</strong>
        {{!"desktop" key in i18n file}}
        <strong>{{$ desktop}}</strong>
        {{yeller "This helper don't work"}}
    <p>Part of the <a href="">BoilerplateMVC suite</a>.</p>
dreamdeveloper commented 9 years ago

Fucking shit, I'm downloaded "Underscore.min.js" instead of "Lodash.js", and this work for me.