Slicer / SlicerLanguagePacks

3D Slicer extension for creating, editing, and storing translations for Slicer core and extensions
MIT License
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Mark translatable strings in Markups module #37

Open idrissa10 opened 10 months ago

idrissa10 commented 10 months ago
idrissa10 commented 10 months ago

lassoan commented 10 months ago

Thank you, I had a quick look at the referenced commit and it seemed all right. Please submit a pull request when it's ready for review.

lassoan commented 3 months ago

After making markup type translatable, make sure these extensions can be build with both the old and new version of the Markups node:

#define TRANSLATABLE_MARKUP_TYPE 1 could be added to vtkMRMLMarkupsNode.h and then in the extension you can add


to specify code that works with the old/new version.