SlicerRt / SlicerRT

Open-source toolkit for radiation therapy research, an extension of 3D Slicer. Features include DICOM-RT import/export, dose volume histogram, dose accumulation, external beam planning (TPS), structure comparison and morphology, isodose line/surface generation, etc.
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ENH: Sequence nodes are used for dynamic beam with multiple control points, static beam with two control point is loaded as usual #147

Closed MichaelColonel closed 4 years ago

MichaelColonel commented 4 years ago


There are several problems:

  1. If number of beams is more than one i have an output is console: vtkMRMLHierarchyNode::SetIndexInParent() index 1, outside the range 0-0 vtkMRMLHierarchyNode::SetIndexInParent() index 2, outside the range 0-0 vtkMRMLHierarchyNode::SetIndexInParent() index 3, outside the range 0-0 vtkMRMLHierarchyNode::SetIndexInParent() index 4, outside the range 0-0 vtkMRMLHierarchyNode::SetIndexInParent() index 5, outside the range 0-0

  2. I don't know how to add beam proxy node to plan node, for correct isocenter position. Now transformation node is in wrong position.

MichaelColonel commented 4 years ago

Problem 2: The code planNode->AddBeam(beamNode); does a lot of things:

  1. It checks that beamNode, planNode, beamsLogic belong the same scene
  2. It triggers beam logic to create transform node according to the plan isocenter and beam angles.

In case of sequence node, the transformation must be generated in beams logic without using plan node, only beam node and isocenter data.

lassoan commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure if you have a question or problem that you need help with. If yes, then I would need more specific details.

MichaelColonel commented 4 years ago

I've fixed the problem 2, and now sequence node for dynamic RTBeam (not ion beam) is generally working.

The last major problem is how to modify or even check a control point data for such beam? The Beams module shows only default values when is selected a proxy beam node: no correct jaws position, no gantry angle, no patient support angle.

The MLC table proxy node data is OK, and one can see the difference in the data.

lassoan commented 4 years ago

You are making nice progress!

how to modify or even check a control point data for such beam?

I'm not sure what you mean by "check a control point". With each sequence browser node, you can get one selected item from a sequence and show it in the scene. You can enable synchronization of proxy nodes with the corresponding data node in the sequence. It means that if the proxy node is changed then the changes are automatically saved into the sequence. You can also implement functions that process sequence nodes and display results: for example, you can create a curve node from point positions stored in a sequence node to show it as a trajectory.

MichaelColonel commented 4 years ago

Correction. My previous post about modification is irrelevant.

For some reason when i add beam node to beam sequence beamSequenceNode->SetDataNodeAtValue( beamNode, std::to_string(controlPointIndex)); the node copy doesn't have modified values. It looks like that the default constructor is used instead of copy constructor, and vtkMRMLRTBeamNode::Copy method hasn't been used.

How can i check that the beam node was copied correctly?

MichaelColonel commented 4 years ago

I've done what i could. All the tests are OK. Could you check and test this pull request?

cpinter commented 4 years ago

I built and tested the branch and loading (of the Eclipse ENT dataset I used) indeed seems to work well. Although I cannot judge if the beams that are shown are valid or not, because they don't encompass the target, but it may just be the nature of the dynamic beam. @MichaelColonel can you please check this?

A bigger issue, however, is that there is a crash when I browse the beam sequence. image All I had to do is select the sequence you can see in the screenshot and drag the slider. It did change control point successfully a few times but it crashed quite soon.

The log doesn't show anything interesting. There was this error [CRITICAL][Stream] 02.06.2020 13:19:28 [] (unknown:0) - W: BeamDoseVerificationControlPointSequence (300a,008c) absent in ReferencedDoseReferenceSequence (type 1) hundreds of times (which should be fixed), then this one seven times [ERROR][VTK] 02.06.2020 13:19:43 [vtkTransformPolyDataFilter (00000234F49D9550)] (E:\e\ScR\VTK\Filters\General\vtkTransformPolyDataFilter.cxx:85) - No input data and the log ends right there.

MichaelColonel commented 4 years ago

As an experiment could you select only first three sequence nodes in playback, and do not use the ScanSpot data which is for IonBeamNode anyway. The screenshot below. Will the program crash in that case?

Under linux there is no crash neither playback nor manual selection of the of node in the sequence.


cpinter commented 4 years ago

I tried this. It took longer to crash, but finally it did after replaying the sequence the third time. If you cannot reproduce it, then I could debug into it on my computer.

MichaelColonel commented 4 years ago

Two commits that set one sequence node for beam, one sequence node for transform and one sequence node for table data (MLC data for RTBeam, ScanSpot data for RTIonBeam).

cpinter commented 4 years ago

Thanks @MichaelColonel ! Have you had a chance to investigate the crash? I did a new build but it still crashes right after moving the slider.

MichaelColonel commented 4 years ago

I have tested almost all SlicerRtData under linux, not a single crash. There are couple of major bugs that must be fixed (for some reason RTBeamNode can't be copied into sequence node, only default constructor), but everything else works quite right. I can't tested it under windows since i don't have a VisualStudio.

cpinter commented 4 years ago

I was going to debug into this, but unfortunately my debug builds don't work (

cpinter commented 4 years ago

Now the debug builds work, so I was able to try this branch in debug mode in the hope to catch the crash. Unfortunately, there is no crash in debug mode. I tried again in release mode, but the crash is still there. Given that most of our users use Windows, it would be important not to merge something known to cause crashes. Debug/Release discrepancies are sometimes caused by uninitialized variables (which I have seen many in the new PR). Maybe you should start there.

Any suggestions or thoughts about this @lassoan or @Sunderlandkyl ? I would like to be able to merge this soon, because with time this PR gets stale, and also @MichaelColonel keeps working and he should be able to do that on top of the master.

cpinter commented 4 years ago

I did manage to get a call stack, however it's not obvious where is the issue:

Call stack 1 > vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate::GetTuple(__int64 tupleIdx, double * tuple) Line 252 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkPoints::GetPoint(__int64 id, double * x) Line 146 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkPolyData::GetCell(__int64 cellId, vtkGenericCell * cell) Line 414 C++ vtkFilters-8.2.dll!`anonymous namespace'::PolyDataFunctor::operator()(__int64 cellId, __int64 endCellId) Line 686 C++ vtkFilters-8.2.dll!vtk::detail::smp::vtkSMPTools_FunctorInternal<`anonymous namespace'::PolyDataFunctor,1>::Execute(__int64 first, __int64 last) Line 105 C++ vtkFilters-8.2.dll!vtk::detail::smp::FuncCall>::operator()(const tbb::blocked_range<__int64> & r) Line 49 C++ vtkFilters-8.2.dll!tbb::interface9::internal::start_for,vtk::detail::smp::FuncCall>,tbb::auto_partitioner const>::run_body(tbb::blocked_range<__int64> & r) Line 117 C++ vtkFilters-8.2.dll!tbb::interface9::internal::dynamic_grainsize_mode>::work_balance,vtk::detail::smp::FuncCall>,tbb::auto_partitioner const>,tbb::blocked_range<__int64>>(tbb::interface9::internal::start_for,vtk::detail::smp::FuncCall>,tbb::auto_partitioner const> & start, tbb::blocked_range<__int64> & range) Line 455 C++ vtkFilters-8.2.dll!tbb::interface9::internal::partition_type_base::execute,vtk::detail::smp::FuncCall>,tbb::auto_partitioner const>,tbb::blocked_range<__int64>>(tbb::interface9::internal::start_for,vtk::detail::smp::FuncCall>,tbb::auto_partitioner const> & start, tbb::blocked_range<__int64> & range) Line 258 C++ vtkFilters-8.2.dll!tbb::interface9::internal::start_for,vtk::detail::smp::FuncCall>,tbb::auto_partitioner const>::execute() Line 144 C++ tbb_debug.dll!tbb::internal::custom_scheduler::local_wait_for_all(tbb::task & parent, tbb::task * child) Line 509 C++ tbb_debug.dll!tbb::internal::arena::process(tbb::internal::generic_scheduler & s) Line 162 C++ tbb_debug.dll!tbb::internal::market::process(rml::job & j) Line 694 C++ tbb_debug.dll!tbb::internal::rml::private_worker::run() Line 271 C++ tbb_debug.dll!tbb::internal::rml::private_worker::thread_routine(void * arg) Line 224 C++
Call stack 2 vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkAOSDataArrayTemplate::GetTuple(__int64 tupleIdx, double * tuple) Line 252 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkPoints::GetPoint(__int64 id, double * x) Line 146 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkPolyData::GetCell(__int64 cellId, vtkGenericCell * cell) Line 414 C++ vtkFilters-8.2.dll!`anonymous namespace'::PolyDataFunctor::operator()(__int64 cellId, __int64 endCellId) Line 686 C++ vtkFilters-8.2.dll!vtk::detail::smp::vtkSMPTools_FunctorInternal<`anonymous namespace'::PolyDataFunctor,1>::Execute(__int64 first, __int64 last) Line 105 C++ vtkFilters-8.2.dll!vtk::detail::smp::FuncCall>::operator()(const tbb::blocked_range<__int64> & r) Line 49 C++ vtkFilters-8.2.dll!tbb::interface9::internal::start_for,vtk::detail::smp::FuncCall>,tbb::auto_partitioner const>::run_body(tbb::blocked_range<__int64> & r) Line 117 C++ vtkFilters-8.2.dll!tbb::interface9::internal::dynamic_grainsize_mode>::work_balance,vtk::detail::smp::FuncCall>,tbb::auto_partitioner const>,tbb::blocked_range<__int64>>(tbb::interface9::internal::start_for,vtk::detail::smp::FuncCall>,tbb::auto_partitioner const> & start, tbb::blocked_range<__int64> & range) Line 455 C++ vtkFilters-8.2.dll!tbb::interface9::internal::partition_type_base::execute,vtk::detail::smp::FuncCall>,tbb::auto_partitioner const>,tbb::blocked_range<__int64>>(tbb::interface9::internal::start_for,vtk::detail::smp::FuncCall>,tbb::auto_partitioner const> & start, tbb::blocked_range<__int64> & range) Line 258 C++ vtkFilters-8.2.dll!tbb::interface9::internal::start_for,vtk::detail::smp::FuncCall>,tbb::auto_partitioner const>::execute() Line 144 C++ tbb_debug.dll!tbb::internal::custom_scheduler::local_wait_for_all(tbb::task & parent, tbb::task * child) Line 509 C++ tbb_debug.dll!tbb::internal::generic_scheduler::local_spawn_root_and_wait(tbb::task * first, tbb::task * & next) Line 670 C++ tbb_debug.dll!tbb::internal::generic_scheduler::spawn_root_and_wait(tbb::task & first, tbb::task * & next) Line 679 C++ vtkFilters-8.2.dll!tbb::task::spawn_root_and_wait(tbb::task & root) Line 753 C++ vtkFilters-8.2.dll!tbb::interface9::internal::start_for,vtk::detail::smp::FuncCall>,tbb::auto_partitioner const>::run(const tbb::blocked_range<__int64> & range, const vtk::detail::smp::FuncCall> & body, const tbb::auto_partitioner & partitioner) Line 97 C++ vtkFilters-8.2.dll!tbb::parallel_for,vtk::detail::smp::FuncCall>>(const tbb::blocked_range<__int64> & range, const vtk::detail::smp::FuncCall> & body) Line 203 C++ vtkFilters-8.2.dll!vtk::detail::smp::vtkSMPTools_Impl_For>(__int64 first, __int64 last, __int64 grain, vtk::detail::smp::vtkSMPTools_FunctorInternal<`anonymous namespace'::PolyDataFunctor,1> & fi) Line 75 C++ vtkFilters-8.2.dll!vtk::detail::smp::vtkSMPTools_FunctorInternal<`anonymous namespace'::PolyDataFunctor,1>::For(__int64 first, __int64 last, __int64 grain) Line 109 C++ vtkFilters-8.2.dll!vtkSMPTools::For<`anonymous namespace'::PolyDataFunctor>(__int64 first, __int64 last, __int64 grain, `anonymous-namespace'::PolyDataFunctor & f) Line 156 C++ vtkFilters-8.2.dll!vtkSMPTools::For<`anonymous namespace'::PolyDataFunctor>(__int64 first, __int64 last, `anonymous-namespace'::PolyDataFunctor & f) Line 191 C++ vtkFilters-8.2.dll!`anonymous namespace'::PolyDataFunctor::Execute(vtkDataSet * input, vtkDataObject * output, vtkPlane * plane, vtkSphereTree * tree, double * origin, double * normal, bool interpolate) Line 740 C++ vtkFilters-8.2.dll!vtkPlaneCutter::ExecuteDataSet(vtkDataSet * input, vtkSphereTree * tree, vtkMultiPieceDataSet * output) Line 2017 C++ vtkFilters-8.2.dll!vtkPlaneCutter::RequestData(vtkInformation * __formal, vtkInformationVector * * inputVector, vtkInformationVector * outputVector) Line 1855 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkDataSetAlgorithm::ProcessRequest(vtkInformation * request, vtkInformationVector * * inputVector, vtkInformationVector * outputVector) Line 163 C++ vtkFilters-8.2.dll!vtkPlaneCutter::ProcessRequest(vtkInformation * request, vtkInformationVector * * inputVector, vtkInformationVector * outputVector) Line 1801 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkExecutive::CallAlgorithm(vtkInformation * request, int direction, vtkInformationVector * * inInfo, vtkInformationVector * outInfo) Line 773 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkDemandDrivenPipeline::ExecuteData(vtkInformation * request, vtkInformationVector * * inInfo, vtkInformationVector * outInfo) Line 490 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkCompositeDataPipeline::ExecuteData(vtkInformation * request, vtkInformationVector * * inInfoVec, vtkInformationVector * outInfoVec) Line 171 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkDemandDrivenPipeline::ProcessRequest(vtkInformation * request, vtkInformationVector * * inInfoVec, vtkInformationVector * outInfoVec) Line 273 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::ProcessRequest(vtkInformation * request, vtkInformationVector * * inInfoVec, vtkInformationVector * outInfoVec) Line 354 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkCompositeDataPipeline::ForwardUpstream(vtkInformation * request) Line 758 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkDemandDrivenPipeline::ProcessRequest(vtkInformation * request, vtkInformationVector * * inInfoVec, vtkInformationVector * outInfoVec) Line 259 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::ProcessRequest(vtkInformation * request, vtkInformationVector * * inInfoVec, vtkInformationVector * outInfoVec) Line 354 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkDemandDrivenPipeline::UpdateData(int outputPort) Line 443 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::Update(int port, vtkInformationVector * requests) Line 429 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::Update(int port) Line 392 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkAlgorithm::Update(int port) Line 1459 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkAlgorithm::Update() Line 1453 C++ MRMLDisplayableManager.dll!vtkMRMLModelSliceDisplayableManager::vtkInternal::UpdateDisplayNodePipeline(vtkMRMLDisplayNode * displayNode, const vtkMRMLModelSliceDisplayableManager::vtkInternal::Pipeline * pipeline) Line 520 C++ MRMLDisplayableManager.dll!vtkMRMLModelSliceDisplayableManager::vtkInternal::UpdateDisplayableTransforms(vtkMRMLDisplayableNode * mNode) Line 276 C++ MRMLDisplayableManager.dll!vtkMRMLModelSliceDisplayableManager::ProcessMRMLNodesEvents(vtkObject * caller, unsigned long event, void * callData) Line 890 C++ MRMLLogic.dll!vtkMRMLAbstractLogic::MRMLNodesCallback(vtkObject * caller, unsigned long eid, void * clientData, void * callData) Line 199 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkCallbackCommand::Execute(vtkObject * caller, unsigned long event, void * callData) Line 43 C++ MRMLCore.dll!vtkEventBroker::InvokeObservation(vtkObservation * observation, unsigned long eid, void * callData) Line 841 C++ MRMLCore.dll!vtkEventBroker::ProcessEvent(vtkObservation * observation, vtkObject * caller, unsigned long eid, void * callData) Line 687 C++ MRMLCore.dll!vtkEventBroker::Callback(vtkObject * caller, unsigned long eid, void * clientData, void * callData) Line 913 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkCallbackCommand::Execute(vtkObject * caller, unsigned long event, void * callData) Line 43 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkSubjectHelper::InvokeEvent(unsigned long event, void * callData, vtkObject * self) Line 619 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkObject::InvokeEvent(unsigned long event, void * callData) Line 785 C++ MRMLCore.dll!vtkMRMLNode::InvokeCustomModifiedEvent(int eventId, void * callData) Line 557 C++ MRMLCore.dll!vtkMRMLModelNode::ProcessMRMLEvents(vtkObject * caller, unsigned long event, void * callData) Line 130 C++ MRMLCore.dll!vtkMRMLNode::MRMLCallback(vtkObject * caller, unsigned long eid, void * clientData, void * callData) Line 894 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkCallbackCommand::Execute(vtkObject * caller, unsigned long event, void * callData) Line 43 C++ MRMLCore.dll!vtkEventBroker::InvokeObservation(vtkObservation * observation, unsigned long eid, void * callData) Line 841 C++ MRMLCore.dll!vtkEventBroker::ProcessEvent(vtkObservation * observation, vtkObject * caller, unsigned long eid, void * callData) Line 687 C++ MRMLCore.dll!vtkEventBroker::Callback(vtkObject * caller, unsigned long eid, void * clientData, void * callData) Line 913 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkCallbackCommand::Execute(vtkObject * caller, unsigned long event, void * callData) Line 43 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkSubjectHelper::InvokeEvent(unsigned long event, void * callData, vtkObject * self) Line 619 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkObject::InvokeEvent(unsigned long event, void * callData) Line 785 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkEventForwarderCommand::Execute(vtkObject * __formal, unsigned long event, void * call_data) Line 34 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkSubjectHelper::InvokeEvent(unsigned long event, void * callData, vtkObject * self) Line 619 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkObject::InvokeEvent(unsigned long event, void * callData) Line 785 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkObject::Modified() Line 852 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkPolyData::SetPolys(vtkCellArray * p) Line 719 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkPolyData::ShallowCopy(vtkDataObject * dataObject) Line 1812 C++ vtkSlicerBeamsModuleMRML.dll!vtkMRMLRTBeamNode::CreateBeamPolyData(vtkPolyData * beamModelPolyData) Line 693 C++ vtkSlicerBeamsModuleMRML.dll!vtkMRMLRTBeamNode::UpdateGeometry() Line 496 C++ vtkSlicerBeamsModuleLogic.dll!vtkSlicerBeamsModuleLogic::ProcessMRMLNodesEvents(vtkObject * caller, unsigned long event, void * callData) Line 280 C++ MRMLLogic.dll!vtkMRMLAbstractLogic::MRMLNodesCallback(vtkObject * caller, unsigned long eid, void * clientData, void * callData) Line 199 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkCallbackCommand::Execute(vtkObject * caller, unsigned long event, void * callData) Line 43 C++ MRMLCore.dll!vtkEventBroker::InvokeObservation(vtkObservation * observation, unsigned long eid, void * callData) Line 841 C++ MRMLCore.dll!vtkEventBroker::ProcessEvent(vtkObservation * observation, vtkObject * caller, unsigned long eid, void * callData) Line 687 C++ MRMLCore.dll!vtkEventBroker::Callback(vtkObject * caller, unsigned long eid, void * clientData, void * callData) Line 913 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkCallbackCommand::Execute(vtkObject * caller, unsigned long event, void * callData) Line 43 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkSubjectHelper::InvokeEvent(unsigned long event, void * callData, vtkObject * self) Line 619 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkObject::InvokeEvent(unsigned long event, void * callData) Line 785 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkObject::Modified() Line 852 C++ MRMLCore.dll!vtkMRMLNode::InvokePendingModifiedEvent() Line 519 C++ MRMLCore.dll!vtkMRMLNode::EndModify(int previousDisableModifiedEventState) Line 317 C++ > vtkSlicerSequencesModuleLogic.dll!vtkSlicerSequencesLogic::UpdateProxyNodesFromSequences(vtkMRMLSequenceBrowserNode * browserNode) Line 463 C++ vtkSlicerSequencesModuleLogic.dll!vtkSlicerSequencesLogic::ProcessMRMLNodesEvents(vtkObject * caller, unsigned long event, void * callData) Line 629 C++ MRMLLogic.dll!vtkMRMLAbstractLogic::MRMLNodesCallback(vtkObject * caller, unsigned long eid, void * clientData, void * callData) Line 199 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkCallbackCommand::Execute(vtkObject * caller, unsigned long event, void * callData) Line 43 C++ MRMLCore.dll!vtkEventBroker::InvokeObservation(vtkObservation * observation, unsigned long eid, void * callData) Line 841 C++ MRMLCore.dll!vtkEventBroker::ProcessEvent(vtkObservation * observation, vtkObject * caller, unsigned long eid, void * callData) Line 687 C++ MRMLCore.dll!vtkEventBroker::Callback(vtkObject * caller, unsigned long eid, void * clientData, void * callData) Line 913 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkCallbackCommand::Execute(vtkObject * caller, unsigned long event, void * callData) Line 43 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkSubjectHelper::InvokeEvent(unsigned long event, void * callData, vtkObject * self) Line 619 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkObject::InvokeEvent(unsigned long event, void * callData) Line 785 C++ vtkCommon-8.2.dll!vtkObject::Modified() Line 852 C++ MRMLCore.dll!vtkMRMLNode::InvokePendingModifiedEvent() Line 519 C++ MRMLCore.dll!vtkMRMLNode::EndModify(int previousDisableModifiedEventState) Line 317 C++ vtkSlicerSequencesModuleMRML.dll!vtkMRMLSequenceBrowserNode::SelectNextItem(int selectionIncrement) Line 1031 C++ vtkSlicerSequencesModuleLogic.dll!vtkSlicerSequencesLogic::UpdateAllProxyNodes() Line 272 C++ qSlicerSequencesModule.dll!qSlicerSequencesModule::updateAllVirtualOutputNodes() Line 303 C++ qSlicerSequencesModule.dll!qSlicerSequencesModule::qt_static_metacall(QObject * _o, QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void * * _a) Line 133 C++ [External Code] qSlicerBaseQTGUI.dll!qSlicerApplication::notify(QObject * receiver, QEvent * event) Line 394 C++ [External Code] qSlicerBaseQTCore.dll!qSlicerCoreApplication::exec() Line 775 C++ SlicerApp-real.exe!`anonymous namespace'::SlicerAppMain(int argc, char * * argv) Line 62 C++ SlicerApp-real.exe!main(int argc, char * * argv) Line 57 C++ What I can see from this quickly is that the proxy node shallow copy is what causes the crash, but then more specifically the crash originates in `vtkMRMLModelSliceDisplayableManager::vtkInternal ::UpdateDisplayNodePipeline`, at line 520: `if (!pipeline->GeometryFilter->GetOutput() || pipeline->GeometryFilter->GetOutput()->GetNumberOfPoints() < 1)`.
MichaelColonel commented 4 years ago

When the loaded beam node is added to sequence node, it couldn't be copied for some reason. Members of the proxy node (e.g. X1Jaw, X2Jaw, Y1Jaw, Y2Jaw, SAD, etc) have default values, not the values of the original beam node. I think it's one of the reasons why it crashes! // Add beam to beam sequence node if (beamNode) { beamSequenceNode->SetDataNodeAtValue( beamNode, std::to_string(controlPointIndex)); }

cpinter commented 4 years ago

@cpinter this issue has been fixed more than a week ago. You just need to remove python library cmake variables and run a top-level build (or rebuild everything from scratch).

@lassoan This comment was two weeks old...

lassoan commented 4 years ago

@lassoan This comment was two weeks old...

Yes, I realized that and immediately deleted the comment, but apparently not quickly enough.

This kind of crash is typically due to running some filters or locators on an empty input mesh.

Since Sequences module has been merged into Slicer core, there is not separate node sequencer class that takes care of copying nodes to/from internal sequence scenes, but MRML node API has been updated with a new "CopyContent" method. You can see how a number of nodes were updated to this new API here: You need to implement CopyContent for all classes that you want to put in a sequence.

MichaelColonel commented 4 years ago

I have added a CopyContent method to vtkMRMLRTBeamNode and vtkMRMLRTIonBeamNode, and minor change in vtkMRMLRTBeamNode::CreateBeamPolyData method so the beam poly data was always created.

@cpinter can you test this PR with a latest commit, will it crash or not?

cpinter commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately it still crashes :(

MichaelColonel commented 4 years ago

Final attempt with the latest commit with some debug output.

If it still crashes, then i don't know what to do in that case. I can't find neither empty input mesh nor uninitiated value that bugged and cause the crash.

cpinter commented 4 years ago

The crash is gone!

If everyone agrees (@lassoan and @Sunderlandkyl) then let's merge this one.

@MichaelColonel can you please confirm one more time that the tests pass with the master rebased onto this branch? Then squash the commits into one, and then I'll rebase and merge.

Again, thanks a lot!

MichaelColonel commented 4 years ago

There are some failed tests that i can't understand:

1:qSlicerBeamsModuleGenericTest 2:qSlicerBeamsModuleWidgetGenericTest 17:qSlicerDoseVolumeHistogramModuleWidgetGenericTest

These are auto generated i suppose? It's difficult to say why these tests are failed.

cpinter commented 4 years ago

Yes these are generic tests that may fail due to too wide minimum GUI size. I'd say go ahead with integration.

cpinter commented 4 years ago

In order for that to happen please squash commits and rebase to master. Thanks!

MichaelColonel commented 4 years ago

Tests 1 and 2 have strange output:

Start testing: Jul 02 15:37 MSK
1/70 Testing: qSlicerBeamsModuleGenericTest
1/70 Test: qSlicerBeamsModuleGenericTest
Command: "/tmp/Slicer/Slicer-SuperBuild-Release/Slicer-build/Slicer" "--launcher-additional-settings" "/tmp/SlicerRT/SlicerRT-Release/AdditionalLauncherSettings.ini" "--launch" "/tmp/SlicerRT/SlicerRT-Release/bin/qSlicerBeamsModuleGenericCxxTests" "qSlicerBeamsModuleGenericTest"
Directory: /tmp/SlicerRT/SlicerRT-Release/Beams
"qSlicerBeamsModuleGenericTest" start time: Jul 02 15:37 MSK
Failed to read launcher settings /tmp/Slicer/Slicer-SuperBuild-Release/Slicer-build/qSlicerBeamsModuleGenericTestLauncherSettings.ini
Number of registered modules: 151
Number of instantiated modules: 151
The module "Beams" has not been registered.
The following modules have been registered: ("ACPCTransform", "AddManyMarkupsFiducialTest", "AddScalarVolumes", "Annotations", "AtlasTests", "BRAINSDWICleanup", "BRAINSFit", "BRAINSFitRigidRegistrationCrashIssue4139", "BRAINSLabelStats", "BRAINSROIAuto", "BRAINSResample", "BRAINSResize", "BRAINSStripRotation", "BRAINSTransformConvert", "BordersOut", "CLI4Test", "CLIROITest", "Cameras", "CastScalarVolume", "Charting", "CheckerBoardFilter", "Cleaner", "Colors", "ColorsScalarBarSelfTest", "CompareVolumes", "Connectivity", "CreateDICOMSeries", "CropVolume", "CropVolumeSelfTest", "CropVolumeSequence", "CurvatureAnisotropicDiffusion", "DICOM", "DICOMPatcher", "DICOMScalarVolumePlugin", "DICOMSlicerDataBundlePlugin", "DICOMVolumeSequencePlugin", "DMRIInstall", "DWIConvert", "Data", "DataProbe", "DataStore", "Decimation", "DiffusionTensorTest", "DoubleArrays", "DynamicModeler", "Editor", "Endoscopy", "EventBroker", "ExecutionModelTour", "ExpertAutomatedRegistration", "ExtensionWizard", "ExtractSkeleton", "FiducialLayoutSwitchBug1914", "FiducialRegistration", "FillHoles", "GaussianBlurImageFilter", "GradientAnisotropicDiffusion", "GrayscaleFillHoleImageFilter", "GrayscaleGrindPeakImageFilter", "GrayscaleModelMaker", "HistogramMatching", "ImageLabelCombine", "JRC2013Vis", "LabelMapSmoothing", "LabelStatistics", "LandmarkRegistration", "MC2Origin", "Markups", "MarkupsInCompareViewersSelfTest", "MarkupsInViewsSelfTest", "MarkupsWidgetsSelfTest", "MaskScalarVolume", "MedianImageFilter", "MergeModels", "Mirror", "ModelMaker", "ModelToLabelMap", "Models", "MultiVolumeExplorer", "MultiVolumeImporter", "MultiVolumeImporterPlugin", "MultiplyScalarVolumes", "N4ITKBiasFieldCorrection", "NeurosurgicalPlanningTutorialMarkupsSelfTest", "Normals", "OrientScalarVolume", "PETStandardUptakeValueComputation", "PerformMetricTest", "PerformanceTests", "Plots", "PlotsSelfTest", "ProbeVolumeWithModel", "PyCLI4Test", "RSNA2012ProstateDemo", "RSNAQuantTutorial", "RSNAVisTutorial", "Reformat", "ResampleDTIVolume", "ResampleScalarVectorDWIVolume", "ResampleScalarVolume", "RobustStatisticsSegmenter", "SampleData", "ScenePerformance", "SceneViews", "ScreenCapture", "SegmentEditor", "SegmentStatistics", "Segmentations", "SelfTests", "Sequences", "ShaderProperties", "SimpleFilters", "SimpleRegionGrowingSegmentation", "SliceLinkLogic", "Slicer4Minute", "SlicerBoundsTest", "SlicerMRBMultipleSaveRestoreLoopTest", "SlicerMRBMultipleSaveRestoreTest", "SlicerMRBSaveRestoreCheckPathsTest", "SlicerOrientationSelectorTest", "SlicerTransformInteractionTest1", "Smoothing", "SubjectHierarchy", "SubjectHierarchyCorePluginsSelfTest", "SubjectHierarchyGenericSelfTest", "SubtractScalarVolumes", "SurfaceToolbox", "Tables", "TablesSelfTest", "Terminologies", "TestGridTransformRegistration", "Texts", "ThresholdScalarVolume", "ThresholdThreadingTest", "Transforms", "Units", "UtilTest", "VectorToScalarVolume", "ViewControllers", "ViewControllersSliceInterpolationBug1926", "VolumeRendering", "VolumeRenderingSceneClose", "Volumes", "VotingBinaryHoleFillingImageFilter", "WebEngine", "Welcome", "relaxPolygons", "scaleMesh", "sceneImport2428", "slicerCloseCrashBug2590", "translateMesh")
error: [/tmp/SlicerRT/SlicerRT-Release/bin/qSlicerBeamsModuleGenericCxxTests] exit abnormally - Report the problem.
<end of output>
Test time =  52.78 sec
Test Failed.
"qSlicerBeamsModuleGenericTest" end time: Jul 02 15:38 MSK
"qSlicerBeamsModuleGenericTest" time elapsed: 00:00:52

Especially the line The module "Beams" has not been registered.!

cpinter commented 4 years ago

There are strange issues around the generic tests. I think I have seen this one too before, but couldn't determine its source. Since the Beams module is obviously loaded fine, I'd say we ignore these for now and go ahead with integration. I may look at this later.

MichaelColonel commented 4 years ago

Commits are squashed.

Final failed tests: 2 - qSlicerBeamsModuleWidgetGenericTest (Failed) 17 - qSlicerDoseVolumeHistogramModuleWidgetGenericTest (Failed) 55 - py_nomainwindow_PlmProtonDoseEngineTest (Failed)

2, 7 besause of GUI size (widget has a minimum size hint width of 555px) 55 because of SAD value

cpinter commented 4 years ago

Thanks! There are conflicts. Have you rebased on the master?

MichaelColonel commented 4 years ago

Now should be fine.

cpinter commented 4 years ago

Merged! Thanks for bearing with us here! I'll now do a clean build with the master and check if everything's alright. Hopefully yes, but in any case now we can follow up in individual tickets.