SlideRuleEarth / sliderule

Server and client framework for on-demand science data processing in the cloud
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Application metrics that are sums show N/A if any component is not present #378

Open jpswinski opened 4 months ago

jpswinski commented 4 months ago

On the grafana dashboard for the SlideRule Node Application Metrics, there are sometimes N/A's displayed for metrics that should be valid. The reason is that some displays are sums of metrics, and if any one of those metrics hasn't shown up yet, then it makes the entire expression N/A.

For example:

total atl03 granules = atl03s_count{job="orchestrator_app"} + atl06_count{job="orchestrator_app"} + atl08_count{job="orchestrator_app"}

So if we have only atl06_count metrics, the expression shows N/A even though we have processed atl03 granules.
