Slimefun-Addon-Community / HardcoreSlimefun

Slimefun too easy? We'll take it to the extreme!
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Suggestion: Add Chance of Random Research Removal #4

Open ZEROOblivious opened 2 years ago

ZEROOblivious commented 2 years ago


Just reading through the description, and could it be possible to add a percentage chance of losing random research on death?

Also is it possible to add in specific permission nodes so we could increase/decrease the values per Server Premium Ranks? per say; you level up in-game with a prestige system, you have a lower chance of random loss/failed research percentages?

Sefiraat commented 2 years ago

You want to allow people to pay money for premium ranks to be ‘punished’ less by this addon, which you added to the server?

ZEROOblivious commented 2 years ago

No, No. Its not a money ranking system. You earn your prestige levels by completing tasks like killing X-Amount of mobs and such.

My ranks are not designed to be that way.

but i want it to be those who've grinded their way to the highest level, have less of a chance of research loss.

Sefiraat commented 2 years ago

Hmm, Server Premium Ranks tend to mean something very specific, though benefit of the doubt I guess