SensibleToolbox is a plugin which adds a bunch of new items, tools and blocks to your Minecraft Server. It also features an energy system, machines and an item transport system.
Hi, when you make HSU or BSU storages and store there any item, then this number:
Should be same as on the sign, but it isn't, if the server is restarted, then when you change your stock in storage, then it won't update on the sign.
:bookmark_tabs: Steps to reproduce the Issue (REQUIRED)
Craft HSU/BSU.
Place items there, see if there's same amount of items in GUI and on a sign.
Try take or put more items from/to stock and see that GUI and sign value of items is still same.
If yes, then restart server.
Change your amount of stock in storage, so place there more of this kind of item or take some pieces away.
Now you can see there's different value on the sign and in the GUI.
And players are complaining because they have to place signs again and again after every restart.
:bulb: Expected behavior (REQUIRED)
The sign should stay up to date after the restart, if something is changed there.
:round_pushpin: Description (REQUIRED)
Hi, when you make HSU or BSU storages and store there any item, then this number: Should be same as on the sign, but it isn't, if the server is restarted, then when you change your stock in storage, then it won't update on the sign.
:bookmark_tabs: Steps to reproduce the Issue (REQUIRED)
And players are complaining because they have to place signs again and again after every restart.
:bulb: Expected behavior (REQUIRED)
The sign should stay up to date after the restart, if something is changed there.
:scroll: Server Log
Any errors.
:compass: Environment (REQUIRED)