SlimeyTurtles / Rat-Homework

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Individual Final Videos #63

Open SlimeyTurtles opened 3 years ago

SlimeyTurtles commented 3 years ago



Name College Board Association PBL Association 3 Positives 1 Improvement/Suggestion Total
Akhil 2.25, topics discussed in the video are related to the topics college-board discussed, but specific section numbers, videos, quiz questions weren't given. 2.25, Command of technical topics was great, but would've been better to include more PBL connections rather than mini-lab/lab work. Video editing and pacing was perfect. Explanations were easy to understand. The technical topics, like the greet code at 0:05 - 0:23 were explained well and showed great understanding. The code created to make new rows and space the bits on the binary lab was neat, efficient and compact. Try to give more example of work from PBL rather than labs so that connection between college-board and PBL is stronger. Video was around 10 seconds short of the range, but not a huge issue. 4.5
Calissa 2.25 The topics were very well explained and related to college-board topics covered, but section numbers, videos, or quiz questions weren't provided. 2.25 Understanding and explanations were great, but would like to see more PBL stuff such as the currency counter, rather than mainly mini-labs Highlighting the line of code in 0:07 - 0:21 and 0:50-1:05 really helped with the flow of the video and having the viewer know what is specifically being talked about. The explanation of the collaboration process and how scrum teams communicate 1:23 - 2:22 was very thorough. Overall, the video was very easy to follow and there was an adequate amount of time spent on each section. Replace at least one of the mini-lab examples with a PBL example so that there is a stronger connection between PBL and college board. 4.5
Valen 2.25, The topics you covered were related to the college-board topics but you did not provide video numbers or other sources of connection. 2.25, The understanding of technical topics is great but it would be better to use more PBL to connect rather than min labs. The first positive I would give is the pacing of the video was very good. You covered a lot of code yet you took the time to explain everything so it's understandable. I liked the editing of the video to improve understanding it helped when you directed specific parts of the code. I liked at 0:48 when you took your time to zoom in and dissect the code. An improvement I would give is to use more work from the PBL as well as point out specific numbers from college-board 4.5

Average Score: 4.5/6



Name College Board Association PBL Association 3 Positives 1 Improvement/Suggestion Total
Avinh 3 It is very obvious which college board topic he is talking about because he states the video title at the start of each segment. 2.75 The examples are very clear and concise. The examples at the beginning are very good and are PBL topics which are nice. -.25 deduction because the 2nd topic is a little fuzzy on how it works, but that's because the PBL code is very complex. I liked how he cited the CB videos of the topics he talked about. I also like the really good examples and the brief introductions of the topics before flowing into the example I think this video could be improved by being faster paced, or having more relevant things on screen for things he is saying, but that is very hard to do if you do not know how to edit. The ask for how to improve is so hard because the video is already really good. 5.75
Calissa 2.25 Included a brief explanation of each college board topic and provided the topic video number. Example: 0:01-0:14. A slightly more in depth description of the task list code and Python list code would make it perfect. 3 Very good connection to PBL with your task list and collaboration. Very clear what college board topic was being discussed: example - 0:01-0:14. The story given at 0:50-1:03 helps give a real example of how comments are useful. The self practice shown at 2:42 - 3:14 is very impressive. Way to stay on top of it! A more brief explanation of the college board topic on its own, and more so explaining through your code 5.25
Valen 2.25 The college board connection was a brief explanation of the college board topics and the video numbers were provided. If some of the code was explained more in depth such as the list code and task list the connection with the college board topics would be perfect. 3, The PBL association was perfect, using the task list and collaboration. I like that you used a real example at 0:50-1:03 that is a major help with showing how useful communication is. I can easily tell what college board topic you are talking about. You seem very expert on all of your code One improvement I would make is cutting down on the college board explanation and more explanation of your own coed. 5.25

Average Score: 5.42/6



Name College Board Association PBL Association 3 Positives 1 Improvement/Suggestion Total
Avinh 1.5, It goes right into the PBL topic and does not discuss college board; however, this might be my fault cuz I might have told her, "yea you basically just talk about 3 things you did", subconsciously. 3 All of the PBL topics were very clear. It is just the stuff she made and discussing what she did to make it. I liked how clear cut this video is with very distinct and noticeable sections. I also liked how well the explanations are for the PBL topics, and I like how well the video flows It'd be nice if there were the CB topics too so it would receive full credit. 4.5
Akhil 1.5, It was a bit hard to figure out what the topics were for the 2nd section starting at 0:41 and the 3rd section starting at 1:41 until after watching through the section. 3, The PBL examples were good and connected to college-board well. The usage of the coins variable for data abstraction, and using the same referencing it in different parts of code was a good way to be efficient using data abstractions. Connected well to what college-board discussed in the ap daily videos. ( 0:16 ). The wireframes were explained really well and the purpose of the site and plan for the future was also explained well. Just being a bit more clear at the beginning of each section as to what topic you are covering and connecting it to a college-board session or TT topic would have made the video clearer and more specific. 4.5
Valen 1.5, The topics you covered were not very related to the college-board topics. It seems like you were just going over the website. 3, The understanding of technical topics I like that you used a lot of PBL. The first positive I would give is the pacing of the video was very good you kept moving. You covered a lot of the website yet you took the time to explain everything so it's understandable. I liked that you had a deep understanding of the website and you were able to explain it well. An improvement I would give is to have more collegeboard accosiation by stating the specific topics from college board. 4.5

Average Score: 4.5/6



Name College Board Association PBL Association 3 Positives 1 Improvement/Suggestion Total
Avinh 2.5, These are college board topics and it is very clear what he is trying to connect it to, but I feel like there could be extra emphasis on which parts of his code is the collegeboard topic. Like in the boolean section state which segment of code is the boolean specifically 2.25, It explains the code and its function, but I feel like it could have a runtime of the code working. I liked the effort put in to take screenshots so the video turns out nicer, and I like the clear-cut examples. I also appreciate the thoroughness of the explanation of the code One improvement would to be more thoroughly explain the college board correlation 4.75
Akhil 2.25, college-board association was really good. Understanding each section was easy since it was clearly stated. Collaboration section seemed a little bit weaker than the other sections but the rest were great. 2.25, The explanations were really nice, but I felt like a bit more explanation and more PBL work could've been better. (Also, the examples/code you explained in the Booleans section might have fit better under conditionals since you were talking about if's and else's) The pacing of the sections in the video was great. I like how you took pauses in between sentences to give some time for understanding, especially in the lists/dictionary section. I also feel like you did a great job creating a test py program to demonstrate your understanding and practice. 2:23 One thing that would've made your video even better would be to explain the code a bit more in a some areas. For example in the boolean section when showing examples 1:38 and 1:57. 4.5
Calissa 2.5 College-board association was good the section/video number was stated. Some of the explanations could be a little more descriptive for the second and third sections. 2.25 The explanation of the code was solid, however a runtime of the code and how it works would help strengthen the explanation. The two images of the code at 1:37 - 2:14 are really easy to look at and a good way to show the code. The flow and pacing of the video was good. The collaboration section 0:10 - 1:27 was very detailed and had many examples. Showing a runtime of the code for the last two sections. 4.75

Average Score: 4.67/6

jm1021 commented 3 years ago

Avinh - comments are thoughtful and include opportunities for improvement 2/2 Glows - very nice presentation and breakdown of code example of an if, another nice description of interation. Seems very well planned. Discussed tools and information used in Slack. Collaboration was highlight, pace and highlighting of code was VERY NICE!
Grows - mostly associated with comments on others videos, not complete. Also, topics picked seemed simple for you. 7.5/8

allisonthuang commented 3 years ago

Allison's Overall Score for Calissa: 5.5/6



Gaurish-Gaur commented 3 years ago

Akhil- Great comments, definitely showed that you watched others thoroughly. Gives some good advice for future improvements and growth for the people in your group (2/2).

Glows - Had connection to CB for the topics. Collaboration was very detailed and specific. Good comments throughout the code, great story with Kylie. Iteration is well explained and shown for a to-do list (test average process well explained). Lists are also well explained on storage of multiple values. Really, great connections between explicit video evidence and discussion. PBL ideas were very clearly there, loved how you implemented the CB ideas into your own. Stories are very engaging and show the real process of problem solving or usefulness of code Grows -Very good evidence with CB, but I felt it took a lot of time away from PBL and code analysis and explanation itself. Would've been nice to see the actual runtime. I felt at times the screen wasn't showing exactly what you were talking about, but it was still pretty clear to follow. More energy!

Extremely well done! Obviously shows that you are knowledgeable, have learned a lot, and are getting ready for N@TM! 5.75/6

jm1021 commented 3 years ago

Grader: John Mortensen Grading: Valen Team Score: 4.67/6

  1. Collaboration. Your 1st section on Collaborations was amazing. It hit on may of the reasons why someone does design, namely "we could not of done our website without it". Everything you shared here was inspiring. 2 and 3. These could have followed a plan Purpose, Code (which you did), and Runtime. You stumbled in some of you language and did not seem like you had command of these topics.

4.67/6 score holds

Comments are very strong and have suggestions.
