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Missing cash upgrades for Black & Blue Friday (Replay) #154

Closed seraku24 closed 6 years ago

seraku24 commented 6 years ago

It appears the Black & Blue Friday event has changed for the current replay, and there are many more cash upgrades than the calculator shows.

The current version of the calculator stops at All Profit 24 ($100 Vigintillion). Through my current progress in the event, I can see the following:

Name Reward Cost
First In Line All profits x25 $1 sexvigintillion
Paint it, Black and Blue All profits x26 $1 septenvigintillion
Black and Blue Magic All profits x27 $1 octovigintillion
99.99% Off! All profits x28 $1 novemvigintillion
Free Therapy for Retail Workers All profits x29 $1 trigintillion
Ample Parking for Everyone All profits x30 $1 untrigintillion
Reinforced Door Hinges All profits x31 $1 duotrigintillion
Water Cannons All profits x32 $1 tretrigintillion
Open 24 Hours All profits x33 $1 quattuortrigintillion
Customer Brawl Referees All profits x34 $1 quintrigintillion
seraku24 commented 6 years ago

And I see that @Nutty69 has a pending PR (#153) that would address this once verified and accepted.

Nutty69 commented 6 years ago

I managed to purchase the x25 multiplier and the list of available upgrades still ends at x34 (i.e. purchasing the x25 did not reveal anything beyond the x34) so I believe the list is complete. I think PR #153 is correctly coded. If so, maybe @Slimmmo will approve it.

Slimmmo commented 6 years ago

Merged, sorry it took too long.