Slion / Fulguris

⚡Web Browser
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Crash while playing YouTube video #641

Closed Unacceptium closed 4 months ago

Unacceptium commented 4 months ago


i am watching a YT video when the video itself started to lag with random delays between and the sound started to flicker app shut down instantly and dropped to home screen. after startup again the pages i opened is gone. the app got uncommonly long time to start too.


i would like to mark that the browser did reload pages a lot with the snackbar message "render process has crashed" but it never shut down the app.


app version: 1.9.27 made issue readable

Slion commented 4 months ago

would like to mark that the browser did reload pages a lot with the snackbar message "render process has crashed" but it never shut down the app.

The ad blocker can cause such issues. Try disable content control on the website where you encounter that issue and see if it helps.

Slion commented 4 months ago

I doubt the crash log provided correspond to the crash you are describing. Can you check if the time stamp on the file matches your crash?

Your crash sounds like a native driver layer crash and more often than not there is nothing that can be done at the app level to help with that. We probably won't generate crash logs for it either.

Where you using a mouse with that device at some point? The crash log you provided can happen when using mouse.

Unacceptium commented 4 months ago

no i'm using the normal touchscreen. and this is the only crash log Fulguris made until today so this should be the one (file date is 2 mins after the crash) but if the video player is a systemwide player and not integr. to fulguris its logical these logs shouldn't have a different software's crash. if thats the case we could close this issue i think.

edit: i am not a coder so i did not even open the logs i just uploaded them hoping it helps.