SlippingGittys-Discord-Themes / surCord

A Discord Theme inspired by macOS & Human Interface Guidelines.
MIT License
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bold option for those who want bold ios text #9

Closed myysty closed 2 years ago

myysty commented 2 years ago

idk how to suggest shit but, yeah

SlippingGitty commented 2 years ago


Step 1

Navigate to _modules.scss image

Step 2

Find the /* Fonts */ comment in the file, it should look like this:


Step 3

To enable bold text, uncomment //font-weight: bold; by removing the slashes so that it reads as font-weight: bold;. Make sure that you are doing this under your respective platform's class (.platform-osx or .platform-linux, .platform-win).

It should look similar to this: image

Step 4

