Slookeur / OPEN

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Debian nomenclature and concepts #6

Open guillemj opened 1 month ago

guillemj commented 1 month ago


On the Software build section, it is stated that the programming language used is of no importance, although that does influence how one does packaging in Debian, due to the packaging helpers and tools used, and additional fields and conventions used, in addition of how to hook into their respective build systems.

While skimming over the Debian sections, I noticed some odd nomenclature usage.

What is being referred as sections (such as Build-Depends) or keywords, is known instead as a field. What is being referred as Package: instructions is known as stanzas (the paragraph blocks describing each binary package). The Standards-Version field refers to the last Debian Policy the package was checked against, it serves as a bookmark, to know where to start once you need to update the packaging against new standards (see the Debian Policy upgrade checklist). The Section field is used mainly by package manager front-ends or package web portals, it does not really influence where the application will show up in GUI or Desktop menus or similar, that would usually be specified as part of the .desktop files.

Slookeur commented 1 month ago

Thank you, I will check this, and will get back to you in this thread when done.

Again thank you for taking the time to dig into this work.
