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Unable to track mats for ReCraft #85

Closed NewVenari closed 8 months ago

NewVenari commented 1 year ago

I notice that when I try to Track mats required for a Recraft, I think I'm getting the mats shopping list for the original crafting of the item, instead of the mats needed to recraft the item. PSL Recraft

Sluimerstand commented 1 year ago

I'll have another look at this, last time I did I could not figure out a way to make this work. In a nutshell, PSL gets the info for the selected recipe and shows the reagents for that, whereas for recrafts this works very differently. Hopefully I can find some more concrete info about the recrafting order's reagents!

Sluimerstand commented 8 months ago

Okay this took a WHILE, but I've managed to fix it. I'll be testing it for a while longer to make sure before I release it, though. :)