JSON Feed is becoming a more popular format for feed publication. It has similarities to RSS/Atom (see https://jsonfeed.org/mappingrssandatom for more details) and it would be really useful if this library supported it too. The v1 spec is available at https://jsonfeed.org/version/1 and looks relatively straightforward with support for top-level metadata, items, and enclosures (called "attachments").
If you agree, I can try and put together a PR adding basic support for it!
JSON Feed is becoming a more popular format for feed publication. It has similarities to RSS/Atom (see https://jsonfeed.org/mappingrssandatom for more details) and it would be really useful if this library supported it too. The v1 spec is available at https://jsonfeed.org/version/1 and looks relatively straightforward with support for top-level metadata, items, and enclosures (called "attachments").
If you agree, I can try and put together a PR adding basic support for it!