SmArtKar / EnhancedBeliefs

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Negative certainty change per day from beliefs #8

Open Octofoxy opened 1 month ago

Octofoxy commented 1 month ago

On my runs, (any) pawns have a negative "certainty change per day from beliefs", even if the positive ideo thoughts outweigh the negative ones in number and severity.

For example having +3, +3, +2, +2 and a single -3 causes a certainty change per day of -3.9%, on an ideo that halves global certainty loss (x50%). Pawn was in a good mood and had an ideo role. Another pawn has the ideo thoughts+5,+3,+2,+1,+1 and no negative ones, a certainty loss factor of 40% and still -0.65% certainty change per day from beliefs.

I've tested this in three runs. It leads to almost all pawns frequently changing their ideo. Since the new ideos also have negative certainty change, they are easily converted to any other ideo.

I do not use mods that modify certainty or conversion.

Octofoxy commented 1 month ago

I just did a few short tests in dev quicktest mode. Ideos seem to behave as expected there, positive thoughts outweighing negative ones causing positive certainty change per day.

Is there any way to see the exact variables of the change in-game? I've loaded a couple different saves of my previous runs with this mod, and in all of them the ideos have negative certainty change ... Something seems to be different in actual runs, but I can't figure out what.

SmArtKar commented 1 month ago

If lack of belief affirmation isn't the case (it is not here) I believe this looks like a bug with relationship multiplier from certainty? If your pawns have an incredibly negative summary opinion of their comrades in their ideology they lose certainty quicker, and seems like it has gone into negatives somehow?

Octofoxy commented 1 month ago

Okay, I did some testing regarding your points:

Pawn had good relationships with other colonists (between +50 and +100), all sharing the same ideo. Pawn has -6.x% daily certainty change. I gave the pawn an inhumanization mental break (from Anomaly DLC), which sets all social relationships to 0 instantly. This reduced the "certainty change from beliefs" to -3.1%. Meaning that having good relationships with the other colonists, who have the same ideo, seems to have caused certainty loss. No idea whats going on here.

Another issue I noticed: After switching ideos, often some thoughts of the old ideo linger for a while. These thoughts are counted towards certainty loss of the new ideo however. So a -20 "ate human meat" thought of the old ideo causes a strong certainty loss after switching to a cannibal ideo. Meaning that pawns can get stuck in a cycle of ideo switching, every switch incurs new lingering ideo thoughts (often negative), which cause certainty loss and a conversion to yet another ideo.

Octofoxy commented 1 month ago

Sorry, I only looked at the other colonists, who had good relations. I did not take visitors into account. After removing all social relationships (inhumanization) and editing the ideo until the pawn had no negative ideo thoughts and a total of +10 positive thoughts, the pawn had -0.48% certainty loss. However there is still "Certainty loss from lack of belief affirmation: 3%", so that might explain why it's still negative, if I understand correctly how this works. So I guess the social relations just vastly outperform ideo thoughts in terms of influencing certainty change.