SmItH197 / SteamAuthentication

A simple PHP Authentication that enables steam users to log into their steam account to access content!
MIT License
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userInfo Not Working #221

Closed frkncck closed 6 years ago

frkncck commented 6 years ago

I included userInfo.php. _$_SESSION['steamsteamid'] is working but $steamprofile['steamid'] not working and others(avatar, name etc.).

                  include 'steamauth/userInfo.php';
                  echo $steamprofile['steamid']; // this is not showing
SmItH197 commented 6 years ago

Are you getting any error messages?

frkncck commented 6 years ago

@SmItH197 no error message.

bman46 commented 6 years ago

what version of steam with do you have?

bman46 commented 6 years ago


BlackCetha commented 6 years ago

You could try increasing the verbosity level to get more information. Documentation is here:

frkncck commented 6 years ago

I found the problem. allow_url_fopen is disabled in php.ini. So file_get_contents not working. I will contact with my hosting provider.

SmItH197 commented 6 years ago

Glad to hear you found the source of the problem.