SmItH197 / SteamAuthentication

A simple PHP Authentication that enables steam users to log into their steam account to access content!
MIT License
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Return http instead of https #235

Open Ezzcargot opened 5 years ago

Ezzcargot commented 5 years ago

Hello, my domain name (logout/login) variable is set to http, but after connecting to steam, it redirects me to my domain, but with https... Any issue ?

Thank you Nathan

bman46 commented 5 years ago

What you described seems normal to me as the variables return you to the exact address in the variable from the steam auth folder. And about https, I don’t see why it would cause a issue, but I haven’t tried.

Ezzcargot commented 5 years ago

With "https://...", I have an "the connection failed" error, and when I remove the 's' ('http://...'), it works perfectly... Thank you Nathan :)

bman46 commented 5 years ago

Do you have any server logs?

Ezzcargot commented 5 years ago

I have no any log that concern steam auth files

bman46 commented 5 years ago

Please enable logs, I can’t help fix anything when I can’t see what’s going wrong under the hood. A connection failed error can mean many things. Also, lmk what os and server program(iis, Apache, etc) it is running.

Ezzcargot commented 5 years ago

Im on windows, with Wamp (Apache). And here is my php_error.log file:

But I don't see any Steamauth file mention...

Thank you very much :) Nathan

bman46 commented 5 years ago

I’ll set up a server later tn and see how ssl works on it, but I don’t see any ssl errors, which what I was looking for.

Ezzcargot commented 5 years ago

Ok thank you very much :)

bman46 commented 5 years ago

Also, check to make sure port 443 is forwarded (windows firewall and router - provided that it is going out of local network) and make sure ssl is set up properly:

bman46 commented 5 years ago

didn't try using WAMP, but I used Azure Web App (windows os) and changed the setting to force https and it seems to work fine. I'm not going to keep it up forever, but here is the site: .

Also, here is my SteamConfig.php page code: $steamauth['domainname'] = ""; // The main URL of your website displayed in the login page $steamauth['logoutpage'] = ""; // Page to redirect to after a successfull logout (from the directory the SteamAuth-folder is located in) - NO slash at the beginning! $steamauth['loginpage'] = ""; // Page to redirect to after a successfull login (from the directory the SteamAuth-folder is located in) - NO slash at the beginning!

bman46 commented 5 years ago

@Ezzcargot did you manage to get it working or are you still stuck with the connection error?

FALL1N1 commented 5 months ago

Works perfectly fine, you just need an SSL certificate on your domain, therefore the issue can be closed.