SmItH197 / SteamAuthentication

A simple PHP Authentication that enables steam users to log into their steam account to access content!
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Weird steamid when sending forms to database #248

Closed tholeb closed 5 years ago

tholeb commented 5 years ago

Hi! I'm experiencing a weird issue when i send the steamid via sql form (pdo). For exemple, my steamid is: 76561198095981948 and when i send my form, on the database, my steamid is 2147483647 (that is not a steam id at all, but return to someone, not me...). I echoed the steamid, and he was right. And that's weird because, when the users log into my website, they got the right steamid, but not in this page 🤔 .

(Here is a part of my code (only where there is the form action), if you need it.)

if (isset($_POST["submit"]))
     #retrieve file title
        $title = $_POST["title"];
        $steamid = $_POST["steamid"];

    #file name with a random number so that similar dont get replaced
     $pname = rand(1000,10000)."-".$_FILES["file"]["name"];
     $allowed = array("image/jpeg", "image/gif", "image/png");

    #temporary file name to store file
    $tname = $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"];

     #upload directory path
$uploads_dir = 'assets/img/gallery/';
    #TO move the uploaded file to specific location
    move_uploaded_file($tname, $uploads_dir.'/'.$pname);

    #sql query to insert into database
    $sql = "INSERT INTO images (CreationTimestamp,title,image,steamid,steamname) VALUES(NOW(),'$title','$pname','".$steamprofile['steamid']."','".$steamprofile['personaname']."')";


    echo "<script>console.log('File Sucessfully uploaded'),</script>";
        echo "Error";

Any answers ?
bman46 commented 5 years ago

Your SQL data type is incorrect, int maxes out at 2147483647. So try using BigInt instead of int.

tholeb commented 5 years ago

Thanks, i will try.

EDIT: It's good thanks.