SmallC1oud / SAR_imaging_implementations_CSA_RADARSAT-1

This project focuses on Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging algorithms and implementations. In the first stage, we will realize four parts: point target simulation and matched filtering, CS imaging algorithm, RD imaging algorithm, and implement a motion compensation algorithm; I will add other contents if I have time.
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关于CSA算法的RADARSAT-1成像 #1

Open BSTLEEFT opened 6 months ago

BSTLEEFT commented 6 months ago

作者你好:我已下载你的代码,但是缺少提到的CD DATA1.mat 关于提取图像的程序,因我没有此书,可以提供一下吗?谢谢!

SmallC1oud commented 6 months ago

你好,CDdata1.mat已上传,其他数据由于过大可访问 Radarsat-1 进行下载

BSTLEEFT commented 6 months ago


zzm422 commented 6 months ago


你好,CDdata1.mat已上传,其他数据由于过大可访问 Radarsat-1 进行下载

SmallC1oud commented 6 months ago

抱歉,我刚发现阿里云盘不给分享.zip和.mat文件,我只好用百度网盘又上传了一遍 链接:提取码:q07n

BSTLEEFT commented 6 months ago
