SmallSatGasTeam / OpenSPA

a minimalist Space Plug-and-Play Architecture (SPA) services manager
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Write the sensor data component #42

Open LuxMiranda opened 7 years ago

LuxMiranda commented 7 years ago

This assignment will involve working with physical hardware in the GAS laboratory.

We are finally at the point in which we can start writing SPA wrappers for our physical sensors! A SPA wrapper is basically a class that takes the drivers for each sensor and arranges their functionality into something that is SPA-compliant. Essentially, it should arrange the sensors' output into SpaData messages, handle incoming messages in a meaningful way, and handle other sensor-specific logic.

The SPA wrapper should be in lib/components and inherit from Component

The SensorData component will specifically be a wrapper to handle all of our strictly data-producing components:

This, of course, requires interfacing the sensor with the Beaglebone Black. Study errno_3's code to find the necessary libraries and see how to use each sensor!

LuxMiranda commented 7 years ago

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