SmartArduino / WiFiMCU

WiFiCMU-v0.9.8-pre release
123 stars 65 forks source link

Bootloader 1.1 Doesn't boot #13

Open lagnajeet opened 8 years ago

lagnajeet commented 8 years ago

Bootloader 1.1 doesn't boot when the bootloader button is pressed while resetting. It is attributed to the function "MicoShouldEnterBootloader(void)" in platform.c . Removing the line "MicoGpioInitialize(pin, INPUT_PULL_UP);" from the function fixes the issue.

Please update the code if possible.

Thanks LP

SmartArduino commented 8 years ago

What board are you using? The bootloader 1.1 is tested fine on wifimcu board. The gpio input function must be initialized before used.

lagnajeet commented 8 years ago

I made a custom board. May be my board has some issue