SmartArduino / WiFiMCU

WiFiCMU-v0.9.8-pre release
123 stars 65 forks source link

dofile inside timer function #4

Closed Triade1 closed 8 years ago

Triade1 commented 8 years ago


When I execute dofile() inside a timer function the system reboot...

function startup() print('in startup...') tmr.stop(0) dofile("main.lua") end

print("\ 5 second pause before startup **") tmr.start(0,5000,startup)

When I call startup function directly, dofile() works fine.

SmartArduino commented 8 years ago

Hi, Triade1 We have confirmed this bug, and tring to repair it in the next version. Thanks a lot.

Triade1 commented 8 years ago


Is solved this bug in the firmware version 0.9.6?
