SmartArduino / WiFiMCU

WiFiCMU-v0.9.8-pre release
123 stars 65 forks source link

wifi.powersafe() and Hostname #7

Closed sn2k closed 8 years ago

sn2k commented 8 years ago

The wifi.powersafe() funktion is a bug:

0_func_wifi.lua:17: attempt to call field 'powersafe' (a nil value)

Another small problem i can't change the Hostname for Wifimcu it's always "MXCHIP"

SmartArduino commented 8 years ago

It's powersave, not powersafe. The hostname can not be changed in present firmware.

sn2k commented 8 years ago

The Right command is: wifi.powersave(true)

Powersave off: 40mA IDLE (0.2Watt) 90mA if Wifi and connected to ap ever (0.44Watt) 130mA on send over Wifi (0.65Watt)

Powersafe on: 40mA IDLE 90mA if Wifi on and connected to ap 30mA if Wifi in powersafe Modus 30mA-70mA if a Programm run, not costant it ever change on cpu usage 130mA on send over Wifi