SmartEVSE / SmartEVSE-2

Smart Electric Vehicle Charging Station (EVSE)
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Reading Modbus interface EVSE #2

Closed rvdgaag closed 2 years ago

rvdgaag commented 3 years ago


I'm trying to read registers via Modbus RTU from the EVSE with iobroker and a USB-modbus converter. All works well reading the SDM630 I connected as well but I don't get any values for the EVSE.

As an example I try to read the register 0x00C0 Configuration value 0 socket, value 1 fixed. I've set in the menu of the EVSE the configuration to fixed cable, still reading this register comes with value 0.

Probably the register setting is wrong in iobroker, is it a input register, a coil or a holding register ?

Since these registers are in HEX format I need to convert them, 192 right ?

Maybe the issue is that the EVSE is a Master and probably the iobroker (raspi 4) as well ?

Thanks for your feedback!

bobosch commented 3 years ago


when you use load balancing mode it's an issue with two masters. SmartEVSE sends multiple requests every two seconds - you have to try multiple times to get a valid response.

Have you tried communication when load balancing and smart/solar mode is disabled?

rvdgaag commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the feedback,

yes I did not much better results. I was hoping to change parameters from remote, any ideas ?

bobosch commented 3 years ago

Maybe wrong byte order. Set it on the SmartEVSE to fixed configuration and read value again. Yes, it is a input register (FC=04). Yes, addresses are in HEX format (0x indicates that) Also correct settings? 9600bps 8N1 (8bit, no parity bit, one stop bit) Do you have a modbus electric meter? Does your adapter work with this?

TonKro commented 3 years ago

I am trying to get the data using Node-Red using ModBus module. Somehow I could not get it working.

With serial port I see the data Reqeust and Answer:

Request: [10,4,0,0,0,20,241,126]

Answer data: [10,4,40,0,21,0,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,63,234,121,245,63,180,28,153,62,123,167,51,113,98]

I am new with modbus, can someone explain the data? Or how can I translate this?

Using modbus I do need to have some data to read out:


What should be the Unit-ID / Address / Quantity?

I found: Request: [10,4,0,0,0,20,241,126] CRC

Address: 10 Function: 4 Address: 00 00 Number of registers: 00 20 CRC: 241,126

Answer: Address: 10 Function: 4 Number of bytes: 40

Data of registers 0,21 0,3, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 63,234, 121,245, 63,180, 28,153, 62,123, 167,51,

CRC: 113,98

Are these floating 16 values?

bobosch commented 3 years ago

No, all values from SmartEVSE are 16bit unsigned integer -> 20 registers = 40 bytes Maybe first try reading a specific register. Use this information when you using 2.20 or older

TonKro commented 3 years ago

That is also what I thought, but it was not working. Apperently it is 32 bit floating:

Data of registers 0,21 0,3, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 63,234, 121,245, 63,180, 28,153, 62,123, 167,51,

Phase 1: 63,234,121,245 = 1,83 Phase 2: 63,180,28,153 = 1,41 Phase 3: 62,123, 167,51 = 0,25

I did (for Node-Red) use:

var V1 = new Buffer ( [msg.payload[31], msg.payload[32], msg.payload[33], msg.payload[34] ] ); var V2 = new Buffer ( [msg.payload[35], msg.payload[36], msg.payload[37], msg.payload[38] ] ); var V3 = new Buffer ( [msg.payload[39], msg.payload[40], msg.payload[41], msg.payload[42] ] );

var msg1 = {payload:V1}; var msg2 = {payload:V2}; var msg3 = {payload:V3};

return [msg1,msg2,msg3];

And then convert msg1/2/3 these to floating.

However I cannot find this information back in the documentation? Or do I read the wrong documents?

bobosch commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I mixed it up. SmartEVSE are 16bit integers, Sensorbox has 32bit float. Yes, Sensorbox code and documentation is not published yet.

TonKro commented 3 years ago

Can you explain more detailed? What is the modbus server and what is the client? I assume the SmartEVSE (master) does do the request ([10,4,0,0,0,20,241,126] CRC), and the Sensorbox does reply and writes into the SmartEVSE with eg data: [10,4,40,0,21,0,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,63,234,121,245,63,180,28,153,62,123,167,51,113,98]? Is there a somewhere an overview?

mstegen commented 3 years ago

The master (SmartEVSE) requests the data from the Sensorbox , or other modbus kWh meter. The Sensorbox or kWh meter, replies with the requested data.

The measurement data from the Sensorbox 1.5/2.0 is in float32 (one float32 for each phase)

 Register  Register  
  Address   length (16 bits)
  0x0000      1       Sensorbox version 1.5           = 0x000F
  0x0001      1       DSMR Version(MSB), CT's (LSB)   = 0x0003                 
  0x0002      2       Volts L1 (32 bit floating point), Smartmeter P1 data. Unused on Sensorbox 1.5
  0x0004      2       Volts L2 (32 bit floating point), Smartmeter P1 data. Unused on Sensorbox 1.5
  0x0006      2       Volts L3 (32 bit floating point), Smartmeter P1 data. Unused on Sensorbox 1.5
  0x0008      2       Amps L1 (32 bit floating point), Smartmeter P1 data. Unused on Sensorbox 1.5
  0x000A      2       Amps L2 (32 bit floating point), Smartmeter P1 data. Unused on Sensorbox 1.5
  0x000C      2       Amps L3 (32 bit floating point), Smartmeter P1 data. Unused on Sensorbox 1.5
  0x000E      2       Amps L1 (32 bit floating point), CT imput 1
  0x0010      2       Amps L2 (32 bit floating point), CT input 2
  0x0012      2       Amps L3 (32 bit floating point), CT input 3
TonKro commented 3 years ago

Clear overview thanks that makes much sense.

In my example for register 0 and 1: 0,21 0,3, (decimal) Register 0x0000 0x00 0x15 Which sensorbox version is this?
Register 0x0001 0x00 0x03

mstegen commented 3 years ago

That's version 2, also indicates grid type and grid rotation: 0x0014 (2 lsb mirror the 3/4 Wire and Rotation configuration data) 0x0015 = 4 wire, CCW rotation 0x0016 = 3 wire, CW rotation 0x0017 = 3 wire, CCW rotation

TonKro commented 3 years ago

Thanks a lot for your help.