SmartEVSE / SmartEVSE-2

Smart Electric Vehicle Charging Station (EVSE)
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How to enter to bootloader now? #32

Closed svinin closed 2 years ago

svinin commented 2 years ago

Hello. I deleted this in the EVSE.c file:

            if ((timeout == 0) && !(Error & CT_NOCOMM))                         // timeout if CT current measurement takes > 10 secs
                Error |= CT_NOCOMM;
                setState(STATE_A);                                              // switch back to state A
                printf("\nError, communication error!");
            } else if (timeout) timeout--;

and I think this is the reason why I cannot enter bootloader mode. It says "bootloader not found". Screen always stays bright and each minute it gives error about temperature. So as far as I understand it thinks that there is a car connected and does not give opportunity to enter bootloader mode. What should I do now? I want to reprogram it back as it was... :(

svinin commented 2 years ago

I just can't enter bootloader now... :(

svinin commented 2 years ago


mstegen commented 2 years ago

What is causing these temperature messages? Is it really that hot inside?

You can try this: Make sure nothing is connected to 12 pin connector. connect the FTDI cable to the SmartEVSE. start the AN1310 (bootloader program) and press the break(pause) button (F3) power up the SmartEVSE.

It should now enter the bootloader, if not you might need to reprogram it using a pickit.

svinin commented 2 years ago

It is not hot inside.

It does not enter bootloader. I guess I need pickit now. Is microchip is soldered there or I can just take it off?

mstegen commented 2 years ago

Yes you can try it with a pickit, then you can program the complete pic, including the bootloader. You can also send it back to me if you want, then i'll reprogram it for you.

svinin commented 2 years ago

Could you tell me where are you located? I need this controller for my masters project and I'm in the Netherlands.

svinin commented 2 years ago

You can email me on

mstegen commented 2 years ago

I'm also located in the netherlands, just send it to the address listed on