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Smart EVSE Electric Vehicle Charging Station
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Empty if statement for PWM cycle > 92% detection #34

Closed arjanmels closed 3 years ago

arjanmels commented 3 years ago

The if in the first line line has a semicolon after the if, so the codeblock following will always be executed. Is this the intention?

mstegen commented 3 years ago

Good Catch!

No this is not intended. I'll fix it in the next release. Thanks.

arjanmels commented 3 years ago

I caught it because I switched my fork to c99 compiler which gives a warning for this.

c99 compiler (clang) has much nicer error messages. However if I use the c99 lib instead of the c90 lib the size grows from ~77% to 85% of memory. It is possible to use c99 language mode with c90 library (you get some warnings in doprint.c, btu it does compile).

bobosch commented 3 years ago

Commited d5128d51e0da15336191b8412c4f42dfb078b48f