SmartFinn / eve-ng-integration

integrates EVE-NG (aka UNetLab) with Linux desktop
MIT License
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Wireshark capture to a remote server using port forwarding #46

Closed alinbandiu198 closed 2 years ago

alinbandiu198 commented 2 years ago


I am trying to setup the wireshark_wrapper for remote capture on my eve-ng server. My Server is behind a private network so I am using port forward to access it. When I try to capture I get the following error:


I have tried to add the port by editing the wireshar_wrapper file but not succesfull. Please let me know if there;s something to be modified here: SET S=%1 SET S=%S:capture://=% FOR /f "tokens=1,2 delims=/ " %%a IN ("%S%") DO SET HOST=%%a&SET INT=%%b IF "%INT%" == "pnet0" SET FILTER=" not port 22"

ECHO "Connecting to %USERNAME%@%HOST%..."

"C:\Program Files\EVE-NG\plink.exe" -ssh -batch -pw %PASSWORD% %USERNAME%@%HOST% "tcpdump -U -i %INT% -s 0 -w - -%FILTER%" | "C:\Program Files\Wireshark\Wireshark.exe" -k -i -

SmartFinn commented 2 years ago

This repo contains integration script for Linux desktop, not Windows. I am not affiliated with the EVE-NG team and the Windows Client Side Pack in any way.