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Incorrect connections on merge lines when lifts are involved. #79

Open HardlineMike opened 1 year ago

HardlineMike commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug When extending a setup such as a smelter with a lift on either end connecting it to its splitter and its merger, the belts between the mergers connect "backwards". I.e. The output of a merger will connect to the input of the merger before it on the line, by sending a belt backwards through the mergers.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1) Place some 2m Foundations. 2) Leave 5m of vertical space between, and place another layer of 2m Foundations above the first layer. 3) Place a smelter on the top level. 4) Place a splitter an appropriate distance from the input, and then levitate it down such that it is hidden from the top layer, but visible in the bottom space. 5) Do the same for a merger on the output. 6) Connect splitter to input and merger to output using direct lift connections. 7) Extend the smelter along with its connected lifts, splitters, mergers a few times. 8) Examine the merge line's belt connections.

Screenshot of the mod's configuration Configuration Screenshot

Screenshots/videos Image of "backwards belt segment." The output of the left merger is connected to the input of the right merger. An image of a test I performed. Steel beams were sent into one of the inputs of the left merger, and exited the left merger backwards

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ShadedPL commented 1 year ago

I believe this is a duplicate of #61 This is happening only if the Lift is turning back under the machine, described in more detail in my bugpost, please feel free to also add your findings there.