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Imported GPX routes completely messed up on screen. #5

Open nzwaneveld opened 3 years ago

nzwaneveld commented 3 years ago

GPX routes that are working fine in other apps are not imported properly in SH2.

Users known to face this issue: Roelof van Beek Johnny Hooyberghs Nico Zwaneveld (iPhone) Ulukaï FaeRahn Hans Van Hummel (iPhone) Peter Ziegler - Mubaer

nzwaneveld commented 3 years ago

Feedback SmartHalo: May 19th, The GPX functionality is currently in BETA. Issue is known and developers are working on fixing this. Expect to have a fix in June. The BETA is only on Android. The iPhone version will be available towards the end of the year.

Summary: 30 June 2021 - fix on Android / Q4 2021 - available on iPhone

Mubaer commented 3 years ago

Add me to the list of users. This is so unreal, my wife's smartphone does all the things we expect from a navigation app in a safe, secure, reliable way. An it has a bright, readable sharp display, also it can do a million things more than this junk.

And come on. What is the point of the fancy LEDs located around the unit? I bet, if I would ask one of our technical interns in our company, they would be happy to develop an app for Android and iOS that displays virt. LEDs on my smart phone's screen depending on my position on the gpx-track. Within a week. Not within 3 years. This product is a useless pile of scam. Nothing else. This is not the future of cycling. The futire of cycling is shown with countless apps on the market. Thank you.

BTW: the key feature of the unit: the anti-theft system. Go figure. If I'd like to steal a bike, I'd pick the lock and if the unit sqeeks, I just snap it off and throw it a far as it can fly. No worries. Anti-theft? Anti-safe!