SmartHalo-User-Group / SmartHalo-2

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Screen not readable in normal daylight #8

Open nzwaneveld opened 3 years ago

nzwaneveld commented 3 years ago

Is there a way to change the intensity of the screen? I took the SmartHalo 2 for a test drive and found that it wasn't easy to read the street names on a sunny day. I was not able to change the intensity or contrast of the screen.

** Tim Meskens asked the same question and got a reply from the SH team saying that the main OLED display is not that bright, so they make the halo extra bright during daylight hours and used a large font. Their only real tip was to tilt the unit a bit, which unfortunately doesn't really improve the readability.

Affected users: Nico Zwaneveld Tom Meskens Roelof van Beek Matthew Garcia Rory Meijer Vasily Shmelev Waldo Jeffers Christoph Lemmer Marian Schmidt Peter Ziegler

nzwaneveld commented 3 years ago

SmartHalo - May 18, 2021: It’s true PeekDisplay can be harder to read in some conditions. Here are some tips and explanations for that:

Mubaer commented 3 years ago

I second that. The main display is next to unreadable in sunlight and light cloudy conditions. In bright daylight, even the LEDs are hard to read.

caetienne commented 3 years ago

I totally agree, even in daylight with rain, it's really difficult de read it properly

stephanepapin commented 3 years ago
