SmartHome-yourself / m5-dial-for-esphome

M5 Stack Dial - Custom Component for ESPHome
MIT License
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Fan speeds for... fans. #29

Open fusionstream opened 2 months ago

fusionstream commented 2 months ago

I have a 6 speed fan as indeed most fans are these days.

This translate to roughly 16.6667% per step. The ability to set floats would be really cool. Presently, I've only had to make each step at 16%. This results in Speed 3 coming in at 48% instead of 50%. Then HA will take its time and round it up to the nearest step that it knows off before finally updating the dial that it's now at 50%.

Floats would be cool. Alternatively, mapping steps would also be cool. e.g. Dial displays 1 but sends 16.6667% to HA.

In addition, the fan speed moves to quickly per #25

danielscheidler commented 2 months ago

Thx for the Feedback. My Fans are all without fixed steps. I'll see how I integrate that.