SmartHome-yourself / m5-dial-for-esphome

M5 Stack Dial - Custom Component for ESPHome
MIT License
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Failed to upload a new .yaml #35

Open benedikt-wue opened 1 month ago

benedikt-wue commented 1 month ago

Whenever I try to upload a new or changed yaml onto the M5Dial, I get this information:

INFO Successfully compiled program. INFO Connecting to INFO Uploading /data/build/esphome-web-12c2f0/.pioenvs/esphome-web-12c2f0/firmware.bin (1311408 bytes) Uploading: [============================================================] 100% Done...

INFO Upload took 13.83 seconds, waiting for result... ERROR Error Update end: Error: Finishing update failed. See the MQTT/USB logs for more information.

I have to reflash the device at all, then it works again for first time, after the first try I get back to this fail... Anybody has got an idea?