SmartHome-yourself / m5-dial-for-esphome

M5 Stack Dial - Custom Component for ESPHome
MIT License
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Implement a LVGL UI #42

Open Basile-E opened 3 days ago

Basile-E commented 3 days ago

I would like to keep the way i integrate a new device in the YAML that you made but implement a custom LVGL UI is that possible ? thanks a lot

danielscheidler commented 2 days ago

the code is open, so pretty much anything is possible ;) But since the UI is not meant to be the final one anyway, but I just wanted to integrate the functions first and then take care of the look, maybe we can work together on the project? Otherwise you can of course fork the project and edit the display parts according to your wishes.

Basile-E commented 2 days ago

i would love to work with you on this project i already tought a bit on how it could be integrated into a config file and i could do 100% of the ui but i have no idea on how to code the thing myself haha

thanks for the fast reply :)

danielscheidler commented 2 days ago

If you like, we can exchange the days on Discord in the evening about how we can best manage it.

Basile-E commented 2 days ago

i just joined your serveur i will post a message on the small talk page, thanks a lot i'm looking forward to working with you ! :)