SmartHome-yourself / sonoff-tx-ultimate-for-esphome

ESPHome Custom Component for Sonoff TX Ultimate
MIT License
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Template for sonoff-tx ultimate 2 relay for COVER #5

Closed danielscheidler closed 1 year ago

danielscheidler commented 1 year ago

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Originally posted by **kroon040** June 9, 2023 Is it possible to have the config made for to use with covers. It should be nice to use it swipe left to right closes and from right to left opens and stop multitouch, and some led colors them moving. Any idea for a config|?

Perhaps use LEDs on one side, to show position of the cover?

danielscheidler commented 1 year ago

Add Cover config with e210be4.

Control the cover with left and right button-fields, not with swipe. left: if idle then open, else stop right: if idle then close, else stop

Visualize the position with leds on the right side.