SmartResponse-Framework / SmartResponse.Framework

PowerShell module for developing LogRhythm SmartResponse Plugins
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Handling Case Id Pararameter #8

Open GeneCupstid opened 4 years ago

GeneCupstid commented 4 years ago

Lr API will accept either the case number or case id when requesting an endpoint about a case.

So far, I've just included $Id as a generic System.Object for case functions, and check for either a valid guid or int with Test-LrCaseIdFormat. I'd like to have the option of passing the case id through the pipeline, however.

We run into issues when using the pipeline, however.

If you use both ValueFromPipeline and ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, neither work properly, because the parameter type is System.Object, so PowerShell binds the value itself (the entire case object) to the $Id parameter.

  1. When using ValueFromPipeline we can only do:
PS> 2068 | Get-LrCasePlaybooks
PS> "0ECC5442-919C-4D7C-8162-D0BCC689642B" | Get-LrCasePlaybooks
  1. When using ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName we can do:
PS> Get-LrCaseById -Id 2068 | Get-LrCasePlaybooks


  1. (Bad) Separate parameter $Id into $Id and $Number, which will be a guid and int, respectively. Each should then be capable of supporting both pipeline options. This messes up the validation, however. We can't make both mandatory, and if we use a parameter set, passing a case object will mess that up (by giving both at the same time).

  2. (Meh) Only implement one: ValueFromPipeline or ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName. We would need to decide which scenario above would be the most common use case: passing a case object, or passing only an int/guid.

  3. (Bad) Remove pipeline support.

  4. (???) Only implement support for case guid OR case number. Not sure this is desirable?

Other ideas?

Jt3kt commented 4 years ago

Separating the parameters, $IdNumber and $Guid would not be terrible. Guid is stronger than IdNumber, as IdNumber will always need to be converted to Guid. We can make them mandatory but not as per the [Mandatory] option, but instead validate that one of those two parameters is not null. If we find both are null then we throw an argument exception specifying to provide IdNumber or Guid.

Not the best, but I think in this type of situation would be the ideal standardization across these functions.

GeneCupstid commented 4 years ago

IdNumber will always need to be converted to Guid.

In general, you can use either the case number or the case guid interchangeably, particularly when the case identifier is specified in the url path - the API will happily accept either.

1-8-2020 9-51-56 PM

Are there use cases you can think of where we can only use the case guid and not the number? You've worked on some parts of the API that I haven't in the module, so if you've seen that it would help me to think through this.

YesButN0 commented 4 years ago

Hi - Im not sure if this is the right section to post this question, please let me know if I should post this somewhere else. I am running into the following issue, I am trying to loop through all the case IDs off a csv file with the following script, but no cases are updated,

ForEach ($a in (Get-Content "C:\Users\userX\Documents\SmartResponse.Framework-master\cases4.csv")) {Update-LrCaseStatus -Credential $token -Id $a -Status 2}

I am able to successfully update a case status when I enter its case ID in this format: Update-LrCaseStatus -Credential $token -Id 123-456-789 -Status 2

Jt3kt commented 4 years ago

Hey @peruvianjc, what's the format of your case IDs in the csv file? 1234 or the 123-456-789?

Jt3kt commented 4 years ago

Revisiting this, ultimately we should establish our own schema to map these to due to parameter name re-use as you go from Case to Playbook to Procedure.

Immediately, I would move to the LogRhythm structure of Id = GUID and Number = CaseNumber. We can validate if Id is GUID, if not, is it INT? if not, is it String? and perform validation based on that.

Jt3kt commented 4 years ago

Sample logic:

        # Test CaseID Format
        $IdFormat = Test-LrCaseIdFormat $Id
        if ($IdFormat.IsGuid -eq $True) {
            # Lookup case by GUID
            try {
                $Case = Get-LrCaseById -Id $Id
            } catch {
            # Set CaseNum
            $CaseNumber = $Case.number
        } elseif(($IdFormat.IsGuid -eq $False) -and ($IdFormat.ISValid -eq $true)) {
            # Lookup case by Number
            try {
                $Case = Get-LrCaseById -Id $Id
            } catch {
            # Set CaseNum
            $CaseNumber = $Case.number
        } else {
            # Lookup case by Name
            try {
                $Case = Get-LrCases -Name $Id -Exact
            } catch {
            # Set CaseNum
            $CaseNumber = $Case.number


Get-LrCasePlaybooks -Id "408C2E88-2E5D-4DA5-90FE-9F4D63B5B709"

id                 : 409D10D8-0C79-4D44-B999-CC2F6358B254
name               : New Playbook
description        : Its pretty good.
originalPlaybookId : EB042520-5EEA-4CE5-9AF5-3A05EFD9BC88
dateAdded          : 2020-06-07T13:30:04.0997958Z
dateUpdated        : 2020-06-07T13:30:04.0997958Z
lastUpdatedBy      : @{number=-100; name=LogRhythm Administrator; disabled=False}
pinned             : False
datePinned         :
procedures         : @{total=0; notCompleted=0; completed=0; skipped=0; pastDue=0}

PS N:\Projects\git\SmartResponse.Framework> Get-LrCasePlaybooks -Id 2

name               : New Playbook
description        : Its pretty good.
originalPlaybookId : EB042520-5EEA-4CE5-9AF5-3A05EFD9BC88
dateAdded          : 2020-06-07T13:30:04.0997958Z
dateUpdated        : 2020-06-07T13:30:04.0997958Z
lastUpdatedBy      : @{number=-100; name=LogRhythm Administrator; disabled=False}
pinned             : False
datePinned         :
procedures         : @{total=0; notCompleted=0; completed=0; skipped=0; pastDue=0}

PS N:\Projects\git\SmartResponse.Framework> Get-LrCasePlaybooks -Id "Case 2"

id                 : 409D10D8-0C79-4D44-B999-CC2F6358B254
name               : New Playbook
description        : Its pretty good.
originalPlaybookId : EB042520-5EEA-4CE5-9AF5-3A05EFD9BC88
dateAdded          : 2020-06-07T13:30:04.0997958Z
dateUpdated        : 2020-06-07T13:30:04.0997958Z
lastUpdatedBy      : @{number=-100; name=LogRhythm Administrator; disabled=False}
pinned             : False
datePinned         :
procedures         : @{total=0; notCompleted=0; completed=0; skipped=0; pastDue=0}
GeneCupstid commented 4 years ago

@Jt3kt - we discussed this again recently. Assigning to you, but we should discuss and come up with a solid plan together.