SmartTokenLabs / dvp

Smart contracts and tokenscripts used for Delivery-versus-Payment usecases
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create CDP token TBML file #106

Open SmartLayer opened 5 years ago

SmartLayer commented 5 years ago

Please use .tbml as the extension name since this one.

The TBML file should define how to obtain the attributes displayed in the attached story.

The field name should be in 2 languages - English & Español. You are welcome to try Chinese.

Leave out the layout - I'll add them. Just add attributes and the way to obtain them (smart contract calls mostly, I assume).


If a seeming attribute requires calculation from data sources that are other than from the blockchain, then it is not really an attribute.

bitcoinwarrior1 commented 5 years ago

@colourful-land still confused, how do we do this without script support? I have added in some call functions but many are transactions themselves

SmartLayer commented 5 years ago

The trick is that you don't need to render it, just to refer to it.

If you just need to design based on a working product (with js support) it would be too easy right? You could find a job in a web application startup that way, how about ;)