Smartling / ios-i18n

The ios-i18n library provides seamless integration of plurals into iOS 6 apps.
Apache License 2.0
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Request: genstrings-like tool to extract strings that works with this library #4

Closed newacct closed 10 years ago

newacct commented 11 years ago

Apple provides a command-line tool called "genstrings" that searches for occurrences of the NSLocalizedString() macro (as well as the NSLocalizedStringFromTable(), NSLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(), and NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue() macros) in given source code files, and outputs a .strings file for the string literals within. This is very useful.

However, when using this library's SLPluralizedString() macro, genstrings will ignore it since it is not one of the NSLocalizedString family of macros. Therefore, once we use this library, we cannot use genstrings to automatically generate the .strings files anymore, or we have to manually add the SLPluralizedString() entries to the .strings files after generating.

Can you provide a tool that performs the same functionality as "genstrings", but also includes strings from SLPluralizedString()?

jones-smartling commented 11 years ago

Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated. We do have it on our roadmap to add genstrings like functionality for plurals, it is not yet scheduled but it is being discussed. We do also welcome others to contribute as well if you were so inclined.

jones-smartling commented 10 years ago

Closing as it is not something we have immediate plans to work on this.