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Workshop Upload Tool missing tags #4305

Open MoltonMontro opened 5 months ago

MoltonMontro commented 5 months ago

I think this has been reported before, but I was unable to find the issue it was mentioned in (if it was previously reported). The Steam Workshop upload tool is missing some tags that were previously accessible through the Devkit's upload wizard. E.g., "Blowtorch" skin type is missing.

Missing tags that already exist:

Tags that don't exist, but could be added:

Tangential to the issue, but I've noticed that an overwhelming number of mods just use the default/first tag available from the dropdown tag types (e.g., Backpack for items, 4 Wheels for vehicles). Something to consider further if the upload menu is ever overhauled, maybe.

SDGNelson commented 5 months ago

Thanks for pointing it out. I do want to revamp the workshop submission tool sooner or later. It hasn't really changed since it was first introduced. When it was first added I anticipated individual items would be uploaded rather than packs of items. The tags aren't particularly useful for how the workshop is actually used. :/

MoltonMontro commented 5 months ago

When it was first added I anticipated individual items would be uploaded rather than packs of items. The tags aren't particularly useful for how the workshop is actually used. :/

I definitely agree.

If all of the tags were checklists/toggles instead of mostly being dropdowns, I think it'd be more practical (because mods could just add a tag for every item/asset type included). But with so many narrow tags I don't think the filters on the Steam Workshop would be user-friendly / nice to use from a player's perspective.

MoltonMontro commented 4 months ago

An addendum to this: it's no longer possible to upload a skin with the "Verified" tag, as the Skin Creator Wizard and UGC Upload Wizard are no longer available. Although I'm unsure how useful this was when previously accepting skins / how often these tools were actually used at the time.

DanielWillett commented 4 months ago

It may also be easier to auto-tag workshop items based on what's in the mod folder instead of having to create a dropdown and keep it up to date for each version.