SmartlyDressedGames / Unturned-3.x-Community

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Long pause 30-40 seconds after joining a map in linux #4385

Open Zombs-R-Cute opened 2 months ago

Zombs-R-Cute commented 2 months ago

Playing on a linux machine, within 30-40 seconds of joining a map, the game completely freezes for 5 seconds, then a few seconds later, it freezes for another 0.6 second.


SDGNelson commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the report. Sorry about the freeze. If in singleplayer this might actually be straightforward to reproduce and investigate, but if in multiplayer that'd be much more challenging. Is that default Arid? I could try loading in at the same spot facing the same direction.

Zombs-R-Cute commented 2 months ago

It happens in all multiplayer maps, started last year sometime after an update. Just got around to making a report.
I noticed if using proton it doesn't happen, but that causes it's own issues, like randomly releasing the mouse, and end up losing focus. Seems it doesn't happen on the LanServer, only internet.