SmartlyDressedGames / Unturned-3.x-Community

Community portion of the Unturned-3.x repo. If you have access to the source code you can find it here:
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Issue with alphabet recognition in game files and in-game chat. #4671

Open analizin opened 3 weeks ago

analizin commented 3 weeks ago

Greetings! It's me once more, analizin! While trying to make a vanilla translation for Unturned, which I was intending to upload as a mod to the Steam Workshop, I have discovered that not only the in-game chat, but also the game's files do not recognise certain characters. As a test, me and a fellow community member copy-pasted the sequence "Ąẹęṭţțþụųịįọąṣ̌şșṣḍgǰ̣ķļẓ̌xçč̣ɓņɲŋ" in one of the .dat files found within the localization folder of the game. This here was the result: image

analizin commented 3 weeks ago

Although there were three very similar "t" style characters, only one of them got recognised by the file. Similarily, of two similar "e" style characters, only one was accepted by the file. And out of four "s" style characters, only one was recognised once again. I am aware I've already written a similar report to the SDG support email, but I decided to write one here on GitHub as well because it seems to be easier to track, but also because during this test I realised that the letters "ș" and "ț" from the Romanian language are not the only letters that aren't recognised by the game, and it was especially weird to see an incredibly similar character from another language be recognised. This currently put a dent into my efforts to try to make a localization mod for the game, but I do hope that in the future proper support for characters from all languages will be added! I'll try and look for a work-around in the meantime, perhaps using one of the characters the game recognises.

CyberAndrii commented 3 weeks ago

This has nothing to do with the game but rather with the encoding of your file. It is likely using ASCII when it should be UTF-8.


analizin commented 3 weeks ago

Interesting, how do I change the encoding?

analizin commented 3 weeks ago

This has nothing to do with the game but rather with the encoding of your file. It is likely using ASCII when it should be UTF-8.


Also, did you type those letters yourself, or did you copy-paste them? Because copy-pasting works fine in-game, it's just when you try to actually type from your keyboard, it gets encoded.

DanielWillett commented 3 weeks ago

Interesting, how do I change the encoding?

When saving the file you can choose UTF8.

While notepad may be able to do it, it's a lot easier if you use a better file editor which defaults to UTF8. Visual Studio Code (not the same as Visual Studio) is good but there's many.

In VSCode you can change it at the bottom left iirc.

analizin commented 3 weeks ago

I see, thanks for the help!

SDGNelson commented 3 weeks ago

Hi analizin, thanks DanielWillett and CyberAndrii! Adding to their answers - personally I use VSCode as well - here's where the encoding button is:


Does it work properly for you with that setting?

analizin commented 3 weeks ago

Hello, thanks for the response! I used Notepad++, which has a button which allows you to change between encodings! Thanks for all the help! Unfortunately, it seems like when I try to type the letters in the in-game, they still get replaced with “?”, I’m not exactly sure what I can do about that.