Open ItsRodrigoAl opened 2 months ago
I think there can be much better workaround, patch Carepackage.OnCollisionEnter
and check if collider is part of vehicle
ah yeah, the solution I gave was for uscript xd I forgot to mention it, but yeah I guess Nelson should have a way better solution for this
That's pretty funny! If anything I think the change would/should be to attach the barricade to the vehicle to encourage creative use of this. 🤔
Sorry for my delay and thank you for your patience! (I was away the 3rd through the 10th)
All you need to do is place a barricade on a vehicle and go for the airdrop on air. Since it will collide with the barricade and not the vehicle, the vehicle won't explode and instead the airdrop will be placed where it touched the barricade
For anyone else wanting a temporal solution for this, you can use the onBarricadeBuilded event, check for vehicles on the position of the airdrop in around 8 metters, and if there's a vehicle, then just destroy the barricade (airdrop), destroy the vehicle, and make the server call a new airdrop again