SmartlyDressedGames / Unturned-3.x-Community

Community portion of the Unturned-3.x repo. If you have access to the source code you can find it here:
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[Request New ModHooks] #940

Closed ghost closed 5 years ago

ghost commented 5 years ago
  1. [ChatMessageEventHook] About which I wrote in more detail here. #912 It causes an event when the specified phrase is typed in the chat in a defined radius, both from the player and from the plugin on the server.

  2. [ChatMessageFunction] A function that can be assigned to absolutely any Unity Event. When activated, writes a phrase to the selected chat type.

  3. [KeyPressEventHook] Calls a Unity Event if a player presses the specified key while in a certain zone "Trigger Collider". Without it, this ModHook most likely intercepted clicks from all players on the server, therefore a restriction must be imposed. Perhaps you know a better way to limit the keystroke tracking area.

  4. [ButtonPressEventHook] Similar to KeyPressEventHook, it is only intended for tracking button presses in a UI. Of course, you could use a standard Unity Event "OnClick" called at the touch of a button, but it can only affect Game Objects as part of the prefab in which it exists.

I wrote examples of scripts, but they require corrections and most likely are not working at the moment.

  1. [ChatMessageEventHook]
    using UnityEngine;
    using UnityEngine.Events;

namespace SDG.Unturned { public class ChatMessageEventHook : MonoBehaviour { ///The Message that must be typed in the chat public string phrase;

    ///Radius in which messages are tracked
    public float sqrRadius;

    ///Called when a message is written in the chat
    public UnityEvent OnChatMessage;

    void Start ()
        if (OnChatMessage == null)
            OnChatMessage = new UnityEvent ();
    /// The method that checks the message typed in the chat
    private void onChatted(SteamPlayer player, EChatMode mode, ref Color chatted, ref bool isRich, string text, ref bool isVisible)
        ///The condition is triggered if the message came from a player within a certain radius
        if (mode == EChatMode.LOCAL && !(player.player == null) && !((player.player.transform.position - base.transform.position).sqrMagnitude > sqrRadius) && text.IndexOf(phrase, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            OnChatMessage.Invoke ();

        ///The condition is triggered if the message came from the plugin on the server
        if (text.IndexOf(phrase, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            OnChatMessage.Invoke ();


2. [ChatMessageFunction]
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;

namespace SDG.Unturned
    public class ChatMessageFunction : MonoBehaviour
        ///The message that will be displayed in the chat
        public string phrase;

        ///In which chat message will be displayed
        public EChatMode ChatMode;

        ///Responsible for writing a message
        public void onChatted(EChatMode mode, ref Color chatted, ref bool isRich, string text, ref bool isVisible)
                onChatted (mode == EChatMode && text.IndexOf(phrase, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

        ///Chat list
        public enum EChatMode
  1. [KeyPressEventHook]
    using UnityEngine;
    using UnityEngine.Events;

namespace SDG.Unturned { public class KeyPressEventHook : MonoBehaviour { ///Variable indicating whether there is a player in the collider at the moment public bool PlayerIsInCollider;

    ///Which key activates the event
    public KeyCode ButtonName;

    ///Called when the corresponding key from the player within the Trigger Collider is pressed
    public UnityEvent OnKeyPress;

    void Start()
        if (OnKeyPress == null)
            OnKeyPress = new UnityEvent ();

        PlayerIsInCollider = false;
    ///Check conditions (It is necessary to modify the variable ButtonName at the key)
    private void KeyPressEvent(bool PlayerIsInCollider, KeyCode ButtonName)
        if (PlayerIsInCollider == true && Input.GetKeyDown("ButtonName"))


    ///The following part of the code is taken from "CollisionEventHook"
    private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        if(other == null)



    private void OnTriggerExit(Collider other)
        if(other == null)



        PlayerIsInCollider = false;

    private int _numOverlappingPlayers;
    private int numOverlappingPlayers
        get { return _numOverlappingPlayers;  }
            value = Mathf.Max(0, value);
            if(_numOverlappingPlayers == value)

            _numOverlappingPlayers = value;
                case 1:
                PlayerIsInCollider = true;


///Key list public enum KeyCode { ///

/// Not assigned (never returned as the result of a keystroke). /// None = 0, /// /// The backspace key. /// Backspace = 8, /// /// The forward delete key. /// Delete = 0x7F, /// /// The tab key. /// Tab = 9, /// /// The Clear key. /// Clear = 12, /// /// Return key. /// Return = 13, /// /// Pause on PC machines. /// Pause = 19, /// /// Escape key. /// Escape = 27, /// /// Space key. /// Space = 0x20, /// /// Numeric keypad 0. /// Keypad0 = 0x100, /// /// Numeric keypad 1. /// Keypad1 = 257, /// /// Numeric keypad 2. /// Keypad2 = 258, /// /// Numeric keypad 3. /// Keypad3 = 259, /// /// Numeric keypad 4. /// Keypad4 = 260, /// /// Numeric keypad 5. /// Keypad5 = 261, /// /// Numeric keypad 6. /// Keypad6 = 262, /// /// Numeric keypad 7. /// Keypad7 = 263, /// /// Numeric keypad 8. /// Keypad8 = 264, /// /// Numeric keypad 9. /// Keypad9 = 265, /// /// Numeric keypad '.'. /// KeypadPeriod = 266, /// /// Numeric keypad '/'. /// KeypadDivide = 267, /// /// Numeric keypad ''. /// KeypadMultiply = 268, /// /// Numeric keypad '-'. /// KeypadMinus = 269, /// /// Numeric keypad '+'. /// KeypadPlus = 270, /// /// Numeric keypad Enter. /// KeypadEnter = 271, /// /// Numeric keypad '='. /// KeypadEquals = 272, /// /// Up arrow key. /// UpArrow = 273, /// /// Down arrow key. /// DownArrow = 274, /// /// Right arrow key. /// RightArrow = 275, /// /// Left arrow key. /// LeftArrow = 276, /// /// Insert key key. /// Insert = 277, /// /// Home key. /// Home = 278, /// /// End key. /// End = 279, /// /// Page up. /// PageUp = 280, /// /// Page down. /// PageDown = 281, /// /// F1 function key. /// F1 = 282, /// /// F2 function key. /// F2 = 283, /// /// F3 function key. /// F3 = 284, /// /// F4 function key. /// F4 = 285, /// /// F5 function key. /// F5 = 286, /// /// F6 function key. /// F6 = 287, /// /// F7 function key. /// F7 = 288, /// /// F8 function key. /// F8 = 289, /// /// F9 function key. /// F9 = 290, /// /// F10 function key. /// F10 = 291, /// /// F11 function key. /// F11 = 292, /// /// F12 function key. /// F12 = 293, /// /// F13 function key. /// F13 = 294, /// /// F14 function key. /// F14 = 295, /// /// F15 function key. /// F15 = 296, /// /// The '0' key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard. /// Alpha0 = 48, /// /// The '1' key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard. /// Alpha1 = 49, /// /// The '2' key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard. /// Alpha2 = 50, /// /// The '3' key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard. /// Alpha3 = 51, /// /// The '4' key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard. /// Alpha4 = 52, /// /// The '5' key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard. /// Alpha5 = 53, /// /// The '6' key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard. /// Alpha6 = 54, /// /// The '7' key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard. /// Alpha7 = 55, /// /// The '8' key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard. /// Alpha8 = 56, /// /// The '9' key on the top of the alphanumeric keyboard. /// Alpha9 = 57, /// /// Exclamation mark key '!'. /// Exclaim = 33, /// /// Double quote key '"'. /// DoubleQuote = 34, /// /// Hash key '#'. /// Hash = 35, /// /// Dollar sign key '$'. /// Dollar = 36, /// /// Ampersand key '&'. /// Ampersand = 38, /// /// Quote key '. /// Quote = 39, /// /// Left Parenthesis key '('. /// LeftParen = 40, /// /// Right Parenthesis key ')'. /// RightParen = 41, /// /// Asterisk key ''. /// Asterisk = 42, /// /// Plus key '+'. /// Plus = 43, /// /// Comma ',' key. /// Comma = 44, /// /// Minus '-' key. /// Minus = 45, /// /// Period '.' key. /// Period = 46, /// /// Slash '/' key. /// Slash = 47, /// /// Colon ':' key. /// Colon = 58, /// /// Semicolon ';' key. /// Semicolon = 59, /// /// Less than '<' key. /// Less = 60, /// /// Equals '=' key. /// Equals = 61, /// /// Greater than '>' key. /// Greater = 62, /// /// Question mark '?' key. /// Question = 0x3F, /// /// At key '@'. /// At = 0x40, /// /// Left square bracket key '['. /// LeftBracket = 91, /// /// Backslash key '\'. /// Backslash = 92, /// /// Right square bracket key ']'. /// RightBracket = 93, /// /// Caret key '^'. /// Caret = 94, /// /// Underscore '_' key. /// Underscore = 95, /// /// Back quote key '`'. /// BackQuote = 96, /// /// 'a' key. /// A = 97, /// /// 'b' key. /// B = 98, /// /// 'c' key. /// C = 99, /// /// 'd' key. /// D = 100, /// /// 'e' key. /// E = 101, /// /// 'f' key. /// F = 102, /// /// 'g' key. /// G = 103, /// /// 'h' key. /// H = 104, /// /// 'i' key. /// I = 105, /// /// 'j' key. /// J = 106, /// /// 'k' key. /// K = 107, /// /// 'l' key. /// L = 108, /// /// 'm' key. /// M = 109, /// /// 'n' key. /// N = 110, /// /// 'o' key. /// O = 111, /// /// 'p' key. /// P = 112, /// /// 'q' key. /// Q = 113, /// /// 'r' key. /// R = 114, /// /// 's' key. /// S = 115, /// /// 't' key. /// T = 116, /// /// 'u' key. /// U = 117, /// /// 'v' key. /// V = 118, /// /// 'w' key. /// W = 119, /// /// 'x' key. /// X = 120, /// /// 'y' key. /// Y = 121, /// /// 'z' key. /// Z = 122, /// /// Numlock key. /// Numlock = 300, /// /// Capslock key. /// CapsLock = 301, /// /// Scroll lock key. /// ScrollLock = 302, /// /// Right shift key. /// RightShift = 303, /// /// Left shift key. /// LeftShift = 304, /// /// Right Control key. /// RightControl = 305, /// /// Left Control key. /// LeftControl = 306, /// /// Right Alt key. /// RightAlt = 307, /// /// Left Alt key. /// LeftAlt = 308, /// /// Left Command key. /// LeftCommand = 310, /// /// Left Command key. /// LeftApple = 310, /// /// Left Windows key. /// LeftWindows = 311, /// /// Right Command key. /// RightCommand = 309, /// /// Right Command key. /// RightApple = 309, /// /// Right Windows key. /// RightWindows = 312, /// /// Alt Gr key. /// AltGr = 313, /// /// Help key. /// Help = 315, /// /// Print key. /// Print = 316, /// /// Sys Req key. /// SysReq = 317, /// /// Break key. /// Break = 318, /// /// Menu key. /// Menu = 319, /// /// The Left (or primary) mouse button. /// Mouse0 = 323, /// /// Right mouse button (or secondary mouse button). /// Mouse1 = 324, /// /// Middle mouse button (or third button). /// Mouse2 = 325, /// /// Additional (fourth) mouse button. /// Mouse3 = 326, /// /// Additional (fifth) mouse button. /// Mouse4 = 327, /// /// Additional (or sixth) mouse button. /// Mouse5 = 328, /// /// Additional (or seventh) mouse button. /// Mouse6 = 329, /// /// Button 0 on any joystick. /// JoystickButton0 = 330, /// /// Button 1 on any joystick. /// JoystickButton1 = 331, /// /// Button 2 on any joystick. /// JoystickButton2 = 332, /// /// Button 3 on any joystick. /// JoystickButton3 = 333, /// /// Button 4 on any joystick. /// JoystickButton4 = 334, /// /// Button 5 on any joystick. /// JoystickButton5 = 335, /// /// Button 6 on any joystick. /// JoystickButton6 = 336, /// /// Button 7 on any joystick. /// JoystickButton7 = 337, /// /// Button 8 on any joystick. /// JoystickButton8 = 338, /// /// Button 9 on any joystick. /// JoystickButton9 = 339, /// /// Button 10 on any joystick. /// JoystickButton10 = 340, /// /// Button 11 on any joystick. /// JoystickButton11 = 341, /// /// Button 12 on any joystick. /// JoystickButton12 = 342, /// /// Button 13 on any joystick. /// JoystickButton13 = 343, /// /// Button 14 on any joystick. /// JoystickButton14 = 344, /// /// Button 15 on any joystick. /// JoystickButton15 = 345, /// /// Button 16 on any joystick. /// JoystickButton16 = 346, /// /// Button 17 on any joystick. /// JoystickButton17 = 347, /// /// Button 18 on any joystick. /// JoystickButton18 = 348, /// /// Button 19 on any joystick. /// JoystickButton19 = 349, /// /// Button 0 on first joystick. /// Joystick1Button0 = 350, /// /// Button 1 on first joystick. /// Joystick1Button1 = 351, /// /// Button 2 on first joystick. /// Joystick1Button2 = 352, /// /// Button 3 on first joystick. /// Joystick1Button3 = 353, /// /// Button 4 on first joystick. /// Joystick1Button4 = 354, /// /// Button 5 on first joystick. /// Joystick1Button5 = 355, /// /// Button 6 on first joystick. /// Joystick1Button6 = 356, /// /// Button 7 on first joystick. /// Joystick1Button7 = 357, /// /// Button 8 on first joystick. /// Joystick1Button8 = 358, /// /// Button 9 on first joystick. /// Joystick1Button9 = 359, /// /// Button 10 on first joystick. /// Joystick1Button10 = 360, /// /// Button 11 on first joystick. /// Joystick1Button11 = 361, /// /// Button 12 on first joystick. /// Joystick1Button12 = 362, /// /// Button 13 on first joystick. /// Joystick1Button13 = 363, /// /// Button 14 on first joystick. /// Joystick1Button14 = 364, /// /// Button 15 on first joystick. /// Joystick1Button15 = 365, /// /// Button 16 on first joystick. /// Joystick1Button16 = 366, /// /// Button 17 on first joystick. /// Joystick1Button17 = 367, /// /// Button 18 on first joystick. /// Joystick1Button18 = 368, /// /// Button 19 on first joystick. /// Joystick1Button19 = 369, /// /// Button 0 on second joystick. /// Joystick2Button0 = 370, /// /// Button 1 on second joystick. /// Joystick2Button1 = 371, /// /// Button 2 on second joystick. /// Joystick2Button2 = 372, /// /// Button 3 on second joystick. /// Joystick2Button3 = 373, /// /// Button 4 on second joystick. /// Joystick2Button4 = 374, /// /// Button 5 on second joystick. /// Joystick2Button5 = 375, /// /// Button 6 on second joystick. /// Joystick2Button6 = 376, /// /// Button 7 on second joystick. /// Joystick2Button7 = 377, /// /// Button 8 on second joystick. /// Joystick2Button8 = 378, /// /// Button 9 on second joystick. /// Joystick2Button9 = 379, /// /// Button 10 on second joystick. /// Joystick2Button10 = 380, /// /// Button 11 on second joystick. /// Joystick2Button11 = 381, /// /// Button 12 on second joystick. /// Joystick2Button12 = 382, /// /// Button 13 on second joystick. /// Joystick2Button13 = 383, /// /// Button 14 on second joystick. /// Joystick2Button14 = 384, /// /// Button 15 on second joystick. /// Joystick2Button15 = 385, /// /// Button 16 on second joystick. /// Joystick2Button16 = 386, /// /// Button 17 on second joystick. /// Joystick2Button17 = 387, /// /// Button 18 on second joystick. /// Joystick2Button18 = 388, /// /// Button 19 on second joystick. /// Joystick2Button19 = 389, /// /// Button 0 on third joystick. /// Joystick3Button0 = 390, /// /// Button 1 on third joystick. /// Joystick3Button1 = 391, /// /// Button 2 on third joystick. /// Joystick3Button2 = 392, /// /// Button 3 on third joystick. /// Joystick3Button3 = 393, /// /// Button 4 on third joystick. /// Joystick3Button4 = 394, /// /// Button 5 on third joystick. /// Joystick3Button5 = 395, /// /// Button 6 on third joystick. /// Joystick3Button6 = 396, /// /// Button 7 on third joystick. /// Joystick3Button7 = 397, /// /// Button 8 on third joystick. /// Joystick3Button8 = 398, /// /// Button 9 on third joystick. /// Joystick3Button9 = 399, /// /// Button 10 on third joystick. /// Joystick3Button10 = 400, /// /// Button 11 on third joystick. /// Joystick3Button11 = 401, /// /// Button 12 on third joystick. /// Joystick3Button12 = 402, /// /// Button 13 on third joystick. /// Joystick3Button13 = 403, /// /// Button 14 on third joystick. /// Joystick3Button14 = 404, /// /// Button 15 on third joystick. /// Joystick3Button15 = 405, /// /// Button 16 on third joystick. /// Joystick3Button16 = 406, /// /// Button 17 on third joystick. /// Joystick3Button17 = 407, /// /// Button 18 on third joystick. /// Joystick3Button18 = 408, /// /// Button 19 on third joystick. /// Joystick3Button19 = 409, /// /// Button 0 on forth joystick. /// Joystick4Button0 = 410, /// /// Button 1 on forth joystick. /// Joystick4Button1 = 411, /// /// Button 2 on forth joystick. /// Joystick4Button2 = 412, /// /// Button 3 on forth joystick. /// Joystick4Button3 = 413, /// /// Button 4 on forth joystick. /// Joystick4Button4 = 414, /// /// Button 5 on forth joystick. /// Joystick4Button5 = 415, /// /// Button 6 on forth joystick. /// Joystick4Button6 = 416, /// /// Button 7 on forth joystick. /// Joystick4Button7 = 417, /// /// Button 8 on forth joystick. /// Joystick4Button8 = 418, /// /// Button 9 on forth joystick. /// Joystick4Button9 = 419, /// /// Button 10 on forth joystick. /// Joystick4Button10 = 420, /// /// Button 11 on forth joystick. /// Joystick4Button11 = 421, /// /// Button 12 on forth joystick. /// Joystick4Button12 = 422, /// /// Button 13 on forth joystick. /// Joystick4Button13 = 423, /// /// Button 14 on forth joystick. /// Joystick4Button14 = 424, /// /// Button 15 on forth joystick. /// Joystick4Button15 = 425, /// /// Button 16 on forth joystick. /// Joystick4Button16 = 426, /// /// Button 17 on forth joystick. /// Joystick4Button17 = 427, /// /// Button 18 on forth joystick. /// Joystick4Button18 = 428, /// /// Button 19 on forth joystick. /// Joystick4Button19 = 429, /// /// Button 0 on fifth joystick. /// Joystick5Button0 = 430, /// /// Button 1 on fifth joystick. /// Joystick5Button1 = 431, /// /// Button 2 on fifth joystick. /// Joystick5Button2 = 432, /// /// Button 3 on fifth joystick. /// Joystick5Button3 = 433, /// /// Button 4 on fifth joystick. /// Joystick5Button4 = 434, /// /// Button 5 on fifth joystick. /// Joystick5Button5 = 435, /// /// Button 6 on fifth joystick. /// Joystick5Button6 = 436, /// /// Button 7 on fifth joystick. /// Joystick5Button7 = 437, /// /// Button 8 on fifth joystick. /// Joystick5Button8 = 438, /// /// Button 9 on fifth joystick. /// Joystick5Button9 = 439, /// /// Button 10 on fifth joystick. /// Joystick5Button10 = 440, /// /// Button 11 on fifth joystick. /// Joystick5Button11 = 441, /// /// Button 12 on fifth joystick. /// Joystick5Button12 = 442, /// /// Button 13 on fifth joystick. /// Joystick5Button13 = 443, /// /// Button 14 on fifth joystick. /// Joystick5Button14 = 444, /// /// Button 15 on fifth joystick. /// Joystick5Button15 = 445, /// /// Button 16 on fifth joystick. /// Joystick5Button16 = 446, /// /// Button 17 on fifth joystick. /// Joystick5Button17 = 447, /// /// Button 18 on fifth joystick. /// Joystick5Button18 = 448, /// /// Button 19 on fifth joystick. /// Joystick5Button19 = 449, /// /// Button 0 on sixth joystick. /// Joystick6Button0 = 450, /// /// Button 1 on sixth joystick. /// Joystick6Button1 = 451, /// /// Button 2 on sixth joystick. /// Joystick6Button2 = 452, /// /// Button 3 on sixth joystick. /// Joystick6Button3 = 453, /// /// Button 4 on sixth joystick. /// Joystick6Button4 = 454, /// /// Button 5 on sixth joystick. /// Joystick6Button5 = 455, /// /// Button 6 on sixth joystick. /// Joystick6Button6 = 456, /// /// Button 7 on sixth joystick. /// Joystick6Button7 = 457, /// /// Button 8 on sixth joystick. /// Joystick6Button8 = 458, /// /// Button 9 on sixth joystick. /// Joystick6Button9 = 459, /// /// Button 10 on sixth joystick. /// Joystick6Button10 = 460, /// /// Button 11 on sixth joystick. /// Joystick6Button11 = 461, /// /// Button 12 on sixth joystick. /// Joystick6Button12 = 462, /// /// Button 13 on sixth joystick. /// Joystick6Button13 = 463, /// /// Button 14 on sixth joystick. /// Joystick6Button14 = 464, /// /// Button 15 on sixth joystick. /// Joystick6Button15 = 465, /// /// Button 16 on sixth joystick. /// Joystick6Button16 = 466, /// /// Button 17 on sixth joystick. /// Joystick6Button17 = 467, /// /// Button 18 on sixth joystick. /// Joystick6Button18 = 468, /// /// Button 19 on sixth joystick. /// Joystick6Button19 = 469, /// /// Button 0 on seventh joystick. /// Joystick7Button0 = 470, /// /// Button 1 on seventh joystick. /// Joystick7Button1 = 471, /// /// Button 2 on seventh joystick. /// Joystick7Button2 = 472, /// /// Button 3 on seventh joystick. /// Joystick7Button3 = 473, /// /// Button 4 on seventh joystick. /// Joystick7Button4 = 474, /// /// Button 5 on seventh joystick. /// Joystick7Button5 = 475, /// /// Button 6 on seventh joystick. /// Joystick7Button6 = 476, /// /// Button 7 on seventh joystick. /// Joystick7Button7 = 477, /// /// Button 8 on seventh joystick. /// Joystick7Button8 = 478, /// /// Button 9 on seventh joystick. /// Joystick7Button9 = 479, /// /// Button 10 on seventh joystick. /// Joystick7Button10 = 480, /// /// Button 11 on seventh joystick. /// Joystick7Button11 = 481, /// /// Button 12 on seventh joystick. /// Joystick7Button12 = 482, /// /// Button 13 on seventh joystick. /// Joystick7Button13 = 483, /// /// Button 14 on seventh joystick. /// Joystick7Button14 = 484, /// /// Button 15 on seventh joystick. /// Joystick7Button15 = 485, /// /// Button 16 on seventh joystick. /// Joystick7Button16 = 486, /// /// Button 17 on seventh joystick. /// Joystick7Button17 = 487, /// /// Button 18 on seventh joystick. /// Joystick7Button18 = 488, /// /// Button 19 on seventh joystick. /// Joystick7Button19 = 489, /// /// Button 0 on eighth joystick. /// Joystick8Button0 = 490, /// /// Button 1 on eighth joystick. /// Joystick8Button1 = 491, /// /// Button 2 on eighth joystick. /// Joystick8Button2 = 492, /// /// Button 3 on eighth joystick. /// Joystick8Button3 = 493, /// /// Button 4 on eighth joystick. /// Joystick8Button4 = 494, /// /// Button 5 on eighth joystick. /// Joystick8Button5 = 495, /// /// Button 6 on eighth joystick. /// Joystick8Button6 = 496, /// /// Button 7 on eighth joystick. /// Joystick8Button7 = 497, /// /// Button 8 on eighth joystick. /// Joystick8Button8 = 498, /// /// Button 9 on eighth joystick. /// Joystick8Button9 = 499, /// /// Button 10 on eighth joystick. /// Joystick8Button10 = 500, /// /// Button 11 on eighth joystick. /// Joystick8Button11 = 501, /// /// Button 12 on eighth joystick. /// Joystick8Button12 = 502, /// /// Button 13 on eighth joystick. /// Joystick8Button13 = 503, /// /// Button 14 on eighth joystick. /// Joystick8Button14 = 504, /// /// Button 15 on eighth joystick. /// Joystick8Button15 = 505, /// /// Button 16 on eighth joystick. /// Joystick8Button16 = 506, /// /// Button 17 on eighth joystick. /// Joystick8Button17 = 507, /// /// Button 18 on eighth joystick. /// Joystick8Button18 = 508, /// /// Button 19 on eighth joystick. /// Joystick8Button19 = 509 }

4. [ButtonPressEventHook]
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;

namespace SDG.Unturned
    public class ButtonPressEventHook : MonoBehaviour
        ///Variable indicating whether there is a player in the collider at the moment
        public bool PlayerIsInCollider;

        ///Button name in UI
        public string Button;

        ///Called when the corresponding button from the player within the Trigger Collider is pressed
        public UnityEvent OnButtonPress;

        void Start()
            if (OnButtonPress == null)
                OnButtonPress = new UnityEvent ();

            PlayerIsInCollider = false;

        ///Check conditions (It is necessary to modify the variable ButtonName)
        void effectButtonClicked(Player players, string ButtonName)
            UnturnedPlayer val = UnturnedPlayer.FromPlayer(players);
            if (ButtonName == "Button")

        ///The following part of the code is taken from "CollisionEventHook"
        private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
            if(other == null)



        private void OnTriggerExit(Collider other)
            if(other == null)



            PlayerIsInCollider = false;

        private int _numOverlappingPlayers;
        private int numOverlappingPlayers
            get { return _numOverlappingPlayers;  }
                value = Mathf.Max(0, value);
                if(_numOverlappingPlayers == value)

                _numOverlappingPlayers = value;
                    case 1:
                    PlayerIsInCollider = true;

Please add this to the game as the ModHooks data is universal and with their help you can realize many amazing things in the game. =)

ghost commented 5 years ago

I don't know why you can't just use plugins for these things and what kind of mod you are making that would require all of these modhooks, regardless in reference to the KeyPressEventHook you showed, Nelson has said before in #902 "Sending the full keyboard state would be a security concern especially in the eyes of players.".

ghost commented 5 years ago
  1. Plugins are not able to interact with GameObjects as UnityEvent (ModHook)

  2. I'm not talking about sending keystrokes, I just suggest activating the Unity Event. For example, the player presses the key 1 and his house changes the color of the texture, or the effect appears around the weapon he is holding. Application options are many.

educatalan02 commented 5 years ago

It can be cool.

Maybe for Roleplay Mods.

Like making a mechanic tow with one UI. This is interesting for modding.

RoyIL commented 5 years ago

Should be closed, all the features that were suggested here already exist in unturned / useless.

ghost commented 5 years ago

Should be closed, all the features that were suggested here already exist in unturned / useless.

Please read more carefully what I offer. I'm talking about ModHooks - scripts that serve as tools for Unity Developers, and not about plugins!

RoyIL commented 5 years ago

Why would you need a ButtonPressEvent? As you can already start animations when the button is pressed.

ghost commented 5 years ago

Why would you need a ButtonPressEvent? As you can already start animations when the button is pressed.

Yes, I can use the standard Unity Event: Onclick. However, it will allow you to control the elements only within the framework of the prefab where the UI button is located, I also tested and all the changes that cause the button is pressed only for the player who pressed the button. That's why I need a Unity Event which would allow using one Game Object to change parameters in another. For example, I embedded the UI in Vehicle and, by pressing buttons, I activated animated clips, but only I saw this activation. I suppose that thanks to these ModHooks I will be able to call the UI separately from the transport using the plugin and use it to start the necessary animation clips.

Ascivv1 commented 5 years ago

Now that I understand this this is actually pretty cool.

RoyIL commented 5 years ago

I don't understand why chat & button events are useful for mods, as UI is triggered by a plugin and same kinda goes for chat where I can't see what a mod has to do with the server's chat.

ghost commented 5 years ago

I don't understand why chat & button events are useful for mods, as UI is triggered by a plugin and same kinda goes for chat where I can't see what a mod has to do with the server's chat.

Here I have embedded a user interface that exists in space in Vehicle. I use the standard Unity Event On Click to activate the collider with the LandscapeHoleVolume script by pressing a button. All this works without the use of plug-ins and I would continue to use this system further, however I found a problem. As I wrote earlier, all events that were activated by pressing a button occur only for the player who pressed the button. By this, I began to look for another way out and found it in these ModHooks.

Снимок экрана (49)

Снимок экрана (47)

Снимок экрана (48)

Thanks to them, it will be possible to create very multifunctional things in the game. For example, using the KeyPressEventHook, it will be possible to press the [W A S D] keys to activate animation clips. Thus it will be possible to make a realistic horse - Vehicle in the game. Well, or using ButtonPressEventHook and ChatMessageEventHook you can make an elevator with a similar panel of buttons. When you click on the button, he will take the player to the desired floor. I think this idea will be especially relevant for RP servers. Of course, even in the game, modders made elevators, but they were limited to two states. Application options are many. The more flexible the ModHooks setting the developer can do, the more things we can accomplish.

RoyIL commented 5 years ago

Well, can't disagree about that. good job 👍

ghost commented 5 years ago

@SDGNelson I know that you are very busy working on the game, but I would very much like to know your opinion about my proposal. I’ve just been waiting a long time, but I haven’t received an answer. (Sorry for the mention)

SDGNelson commented 5 years ago

Elevators would be neat, but in general these require more replication e.g. replicating elevator state. One benefit of the current plugin keybinds feature is that players can rebind them and show the rebound name in the UI / chat. They are cool ideas, and should be easy in 4.0 using plugins or blueprints, but are beyond the scope of modding in 3.0 sadly.

ghost commented 5 years ago

@SDGNelson I beg you to add at least ChatMessageEventHook, the game already has a script used on the Russia map, it remains only to adapt it to ModHook!