SmashMC-Development / Suggestions

Suggestions for changes and improvements on SmashMC
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Warzone changes #1207

Open whitechox opened 3 months ago

whitechox commented 3 months ago

At the moment I feel as though warzone is not the same as it used to be. I Have been playing on smashmc since late 2020 and 2021 and so have seen the server change over time but this is my only suggestion.

Since the addition of having to pay for a timer in warzone was added, I feel as though warzone has lost some of its relevance and importance in the server.
Firstly it prevents people using it for long term use and so decreased the chance of encountering someone inside (the main excitement of warzone). Before there was the pay feature I remember when there would be scenarios of 2 of the best on the server in battle and people would go into watch and fight each which made warzone a very relevant aspect in the server, like it is intended to be , for an example. This made the PvP aspect of the server so much more fun as there was always FAIR opportunity to do so where you weren't locked behind the pay wall to go and check if anyone is even in the warzone. Secondly it prevents anyone who doesn't play extremely regularly to be rewarded on the server. From personal experience and from others who come back to the server, unless you have people on the server to help you in warzone you can't compete. This creates and elitist class that I have seen and heard multiple other players feel as the only way to overcome it is if they play every day, as the "top class" are able to push away others who don't have the time to create teams on their own as quickly making it impossible to consistently go in warzone. I am not saying that having a group of people at the top is bad as I used to be just like that but it was much easier to challenge and for others to challenge this position.

This is furthermore supported by the new seasons in warzone. Every time I come back on the game, rules have changed in warzone such as new formats have been added. Although I do believe this keeps the game fresh, it also proposes many challenges to new, solo or players who don't play regularly. This is because now, out of nowhere, more than half of their battle ready Pokémon are unusable. I felt this as when I came back to see an RU format it had invalidated any new or solo players efforts to create their bp OU team and challenge the warzone, rendering the work useless. Instead I suggest to keep the seasons but have each season vary in different ways such as certain legendries spawning in certain seasons, or just longer seasons in higher formats (UU and above) to allow people to use their favourite mon and challenge warzone so it isn't just a way to complete dex.

FInally as far as the paying in warzone issue goes my suggestion would be to scrap paying and instead make the players who are in warzone have to increase the timer that they have in warzone. For example when they go in they have a 10 minute timer left. they can add seconds onto this tier buying catching a regular mon (+15s) a legendary (+7m) beating someone in battle (+15m) or something along those lines. This would make it easier for anyone to go into warzone but also prevent it from being camped in all day UNLESS they have earnt the ability to do so