SmashingMods / Glacial-Awakening

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Cannot activate Glacidius Portal [1.1.2] #116

Closed Rameron closed 5 years ago

Rameron commented 5 years ago


I updated my server and clients from 1.0.6 to 1.1.2. After that the glacidius portal disappeared and only glowstone left. I was trying to rebuild it with the different designs found in the web but nothing works. Is it deactivated or something?


spacewolfcub commented 5 years ago

Yes. A few versions back.

Changelog 1.0.11

Removed Mods: -Glacidius

Rameron commented 5 years ago

I'm sorry, but how we should play in this modpack? The mods are adding, modifying and removing all the time, I with friends cannot focus our attention on something...

spacewolfcub commented 5 years ago

Here's my best advice in dealing with any modpack when updating:

Remember, you don't have to update. If you and the people you play with like the modpack as it is just enjoy it.

Alternatively, you could wait for modpacks to be released for at least 3 months before starting out. There is always a lot of fine-tuning and changes as more players give feedback. Once the questlines are declared complete, modpacks tend to just update included mods but not make big changes. If you find big changes frustrate you, it might be worth it to wait.