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Woot Factory Exotics not appearing #12

Closed ResonantFlux1 closed 2 years ago

ResonantFlux1 commented 2 years ago

The exotic blocks from the Woot mod are supposed to have a chance of spawning in end cities, but after searching upwards of 10-15 end cities I have not encountered a single one. So either they are way rarer than they should be, or they aren't spawning at all.

Dark-Arcana commented 2 years ago

Can you give me a list of all woot blocks and items that should be spawning in loot tables and which loot tables they should be in? I can use that to add them back manually in the event that they don't spawn naturally. Thanks.

ResonantFlux1 commented 2 years ago

they should appear in the End City Treasure loot table. The block names are listed as woot:exotic_a, woot:exotic_b, woot:exotic_c, woot:exotic_d, woot:exotic_e.

Dark-Arcana commented 2 years ago

I discussed this issue on the Discord:

As for woot exotics in end cities, I think Better End Forge actually nukes the end cities, as in they don't spawn correctly. So what you are finding are end towers and catacombs from the outer end. I'm going to add this datapack. And I'm also going to add new loot modifier tables to add the exotics to end structures.

Dark-Arcana commented 2 years ago

I'm going to leave the datapack in because it's awesome, but it didn't fix anything.

Woot specifically tries to spawn loot as a loot modifier into "minecraft:chest". Since we are using lootr chests, it doesn't work. So I added a new loot table that has nearly the same conditions as the mod (without the random chance of 15%) and added it to the custom end city loot table we're using. This fixes the issue.