SmashingMods / antimatter-chemistry

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Antimatter Chemistry - LTS - Version #389

Open MasterEnderman opened 3 months ago

MasterEnderman commented 3 months ago

Greetings everyone,

Enderman here bringing you some information about the future of AMC, before I spend time on settling for a version for AMC2. I think you may like it so let's get started. As I'm the current maintainer of AMC, VB, GA and CE, besides having my own projects, I really dislike abandon things. That is why I came up with the idea of a LTS (long time support) version for each pack, so maintaining it will be easier in the future, especially as some packs still get a lot of traction nowadays. So after some consideration I concluded Antimatter Chemistry as the first pack that gets it's LTS treatment.


Yes there already is a discussion thread in our discord, but I thought it would be helpful to summarize some of the things we're going to change and to further collect the feedback of the community. As stated before I want to remove most of the mods that cause trouble with running them on large servers or having bugs that won't be fixed anymore as they are EOL ("end of life"). Exceptions are available forks or small enough issues that I can fork and fix them myself.

Once the modlist is in a more stable position, I'm going to revamp the current progression as it'll probably break with the changes. I'm still looking for potential mods, that would fit into the pack so feel free to engage in our discussion over on discord.

We are still looking for people to help us transitioning to the LTS version, so if you're an artist or want to contribute in another way, hit us up!


Mod Changes

REMOVE (EOL, buggy, unable to fork)

REPLACE (forks, alternatives)

ADDITION (fix some holes in the progression, extend some questlines)

Balance Changes / Tweaks


Alright that should suffice for now. I'm going to update this issue from time to time to reflect the newest ideas and feeedback I get while working on the LTS version. As always if you have anything you want to mention either leave a comment in this issue or hop on our discord and start talking in the #antimatter-chemistry channel or in the LTS thread that's located there as well. Writing this took way longer then i might want to admit (roughly 3 hours), but I rewrote almost 3 times as well, so yeah. Have a great day and I hope to hear from you soon!

MasterEnderman commented 2 months ago

More feedback from the official discord:

MasterEnderman commented 2 months ago

Another Things I want to put up for discussion is how to continue with Atum2.

Also quick side note: If you're interested in contributing to the LTS version in any way feel free to hit me up on discord and let us discuss, what you can do to make this a reality faster. :)

rozbrajaczpoziomow commented 3 weeks ago

image image hi yes I'm too lazy to type out a message