Smile-SA / elasticsuite

Smile ElasticSuite - Magento 2 merchandising and search engine built on ElasticSearch
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Backend categories. Products preview not working #3302

Open webcreative24 opened 1 week ago

webcreative24 commented 1 week ago

Hello. I have a multi-store setup with two stores and two store views. Each store has its own root category:

En store -> Root category: Default category. This one is set as the default store for the instance. Am store -> Root category: Default am. I've imported 1,000 products for each store. When I navigate to categories and switch to the En store, I am able to visually sort products. However, when I switch to the Am store, I see this message: Your product selection is empty for the selected Store View. If you are running a multi-store setup, please check this manual page for more information.

I tried to debug the issue and found that in the En category, the AJAX request (https://magento.loc/admin/virtualcategory/category_virtual/preview/ajax/1/store/1/key/bcdb....) returned an array of products, but the Am store returned an empty result: {"products":[],"size":56}

There are no virtual categories or custom settings on ElasticSuite.

Can you please help me identify where to debug this issue, or have you faced something similar before?


Magento Version: 2.4.6-p4 ElasticSuite Version: 2.11.7 ElasticSearch Version: 7.17.9 Environment: Developer or Production Categores structure: image En store switch: image

Am store swtich: image

vahonc commented 1 week ago

Hello @webcreative24,

At the moment it is difficult to say exactly what is wrong, but maybe something is wrong with your import or his configurations, maybe during the import the products were not correctly assigned to the categories belonging to your second store (Armenian).

Take a look at these screenshots:

ScreenShot Tool -20240624163909

ScreenShot Tool -20240624163714

Check some products that belong to another store and ensure everything is configured correctly.

BR, Vadym

webcreative24 commented 1 week ago

@vahonc I'll check. thanks, but we have only one website and two store views

ssx commented 1 week ago

@vahonc: Also having the same issue on 2.4.7-p1 as well. First store, lists and sorts fine. Second store doesn't.

vahonc commented 1 week ago

Hello @ssx,

Are you also sure that all your products are correctly assigned to the corresponding stores/store views?

What about your multi-configuration? Have you also one website and two stores/store views?

Guys, you could try to enable Debug mode in ElasticSuite and send a query to us when browse your categories preview.

BR, Vadym

ssx commented 1 week ago

Hi @Vadym, I'll try to get that over to you shortly.

In our case: two sites, one with 3 store/store views, one with 2 store/store views.

Jerome-Garbocom commented 1 week ago

Hello, a patch for that bug (ElasticSuite v2.10.21)

--- ./vendor/smile/elasticsuite/src/module-elasticsuite-virtual-category/Model/Preview.php.orig     2024-05-02 15:52:52.000000000 +0200
+++ ./vendor/smile/elasticsuite/src/module-elasticsuite-virtual-category/Model/Preview.php          2024-06-18 17:32:02.148590600 +0200
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
         $directionFallback = $sortBy !== 'position' ? Collection::SORT_ORDER_ASC : Collection::SORT_ORDER_DESC;

         $collection->setOrder($sortBy, $this->request->getParam('sort_direction', $directionFallback));
-        $collection->addPriceData(self::DEFAULT_CUSTOMER_GROUP_ID, $this->category->getStoreId());
+        $collection->addPriceData(self::DEFAULT_CUSTOMER_GROUP_ID, $this->category->getStore()->getWebsiteId());

         return $collection;
webcreative24 commented 1 week ago

$collection->addPriceData(self::DEFAULT_CUSTOMER_GROUP_ID, $this->category->getStore()->getWebsiteId());


ssx commented 6 days ago

I can confirm that patch has sorted it for us.

webcreative24 commented 6 days ago

@ssx yes, for us too. but we lost the previous sorted positions

rbayet commented 2 days ago

Hello @webcreative24

Could you clarify your last comment ? Which sorted positions did you lose ? Are those the positions manually set at the "default store view" level ? Or positions you intended to import through the product import ?
