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[Neat URL] Parameter after last delimiter is ignored #32

Closed crssi closed 7 years ago

crssi commented 7 years ago


Last parameter in settings is ignored. Example: utm_source, utm_medium, utm_term utm_term will be ignored

If semicolon is used at the end, then if works. Example: utm_source, utm_medium, utm_term,


Smile4ever commented 7 years ago

Works for me, no issue whatsoever.

crssi commented 7 years ago

I have tested again and here doesn't work and I haven't forgot to save. To make the last parameter work here, it must be followed with ,. I am on FF 55.0.3, x64, Win 10. Maybe is the problem in FF version?

Smile4ever commented 7 years ago

Are you using Neat URL 2.0.3?

crssi commented 7 years ago


Smile4ever commented 7 years ago

I tested using Firefox 55.0.3, x64, Win 10 and Neat URL 2.0.3 and couldn't reproduce.

I used these parameters: utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign

For this sample URL:

What URL do you use?

crssi commented 7 years ago

I have lost the link with UTMs. But I can replicate with any.

Parameters (some just added to default): utm_source, utm_medium, utm_term, utm_content, utm_campaign, utm_reader, utm_place, utm_userid, utm_cid, ga_source, ga_medium, ga_term, ga_content, ga_campaign, ga_place, yclid, _openstat, fb_action_ids, fb_action_types, fb_ref, fb_source, action_object_map, action_type_map, action_ref_map, gs_l, pd_rd_r@amazon.*, pd_rd_w@amazon.*, pd_rd_wg@amazon.*, _encoding@amazon.*, psc@amazon.*, ved@google.*, ei@google.*, sei@google.*, gws_rd@google.*,,,,,,,,,,, $/ref@amazon.*,pf_rd_m,pf_rd_p,pf_rd_r,pf_rd_s,pf_rd_t,pf_rd_i,ref_,

Just remove , at the end. Save. And try again upper link. In this case ref_ is not removed.

If you can't replicate, let me know. I will retry again with clean FF profile with only Neat URL extension.


Smile4ever commented 7 years ago

I followed your instructions but was not able to reproduce.

crssi commented 7 years ago

OK... thank you. Will do a test with plain vanilla FF + Neat URL as the only installed extension later this evening and report back ASAP.


crssi commented 7 years ago

Even faster. Found it. It is not , problematic, but I had in config a "carriage return" on the end. In that case the last parameter is ignored.


Smile4ever commented 7 years ago

If someone encounters the same problem, I will fix the carriage return problem. Otherwise I will just leave it like it is. Thanks for testing!

crssi commented 7 years ago

Wouldn't it will be easier to just trim the whole text area?

Cheers and thank you for your work