SmileiPIC / Smilei

Particle-in-cell code for plasma simulation
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Error in runing same script on two pc. #299

Closed Sanjeev273 closed 3 years ago

Sanjeev273 commented 3 years ago

Dear all, The script is running in my local pc successfully. But if I am running the same script on HPC cluster remotely . There is an Error: "[Python] SyntaxError: ('invalid syntax', ('', 2, 1, '/opt/apps/apps/intel-18.0/smilei/4.5/benchmarks/\n'))".

I checked everything is fine in the script. The script is attached here with. Please help me to resolve the isue ?


iltommi commented 3 years ago

This doesn't seem to be related with smilei but rather with the cluster job submission queue. Could you check that you can run any code at all on the cluster? Could you ask administrator/support for help in submitting the job?

Sanjeev273 commented 3 years ago

the other script which was already in the cluster folder, is running succesfully. but this one is getting error.

iltommi commented 3 years ago

Could you paste here the whole error and output?

Sanjeev273 commented 3 years ago

output: | | _ \ \ Version : v-3a7ca3b4 / _| (_) | | () | |
_ \ | ' \ | | / -) | | |__/ |||| || || _
| || | |

Reading the simulation parameters

HDF5 version 1.10.5 Python version 2.7.5 Parsing Parsing v-3a7ca3b4 Parsing Parsing 2 Parsing /opt/apps/apps/intel-18.0/smilei/4.5/benchmarks/ [Python] SyntaxError: ('invalid syntax', ('', 2, 1, '/opt/apps/apps/intel-18.0/smilei/4.5/benchmarks/\n')) ERROR src/Params/Params.cpp:1250 (runScript) error parsing /opt/apps/apps/intel-18.0/smilei/4.5/benchmarks/

Sanjeev273 commented 3 years ago

the error is: [] pml_ucx.c:285 Error: UCP worker does not support MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE

Sanjeev273 commented 3 years ago

Could you paste here the whole error and output?

Error: [] pml_ucx.c:285 Error: UCP worker does not support MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE

iltommi commented 3 years ago

It seems to me that the version running on the cluster has not been updated, it seems to run the 3a7ca3b4 which is of May 11th.

jderouillat commented 3 years ago

Hi, There is a compile mode of Smilei without MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE using make clean ; make config=no_mpi_tm.


Sanjeev273 commented 3 years ago

Hi, There is a compile mode of Smilei without MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE using make clean ; make config=no_mpi_tm.

Julien Thanks !

MY script to submit the job on cluster is as follows:

!/bin/bash --login


$-pe 2

$ -l short

module load apps/intel-18.0/smilei/4.5

smilei $NSLOTS $SMILEIDIR/benchmarks/

Can I add these command to into the job script for submission of file ?