Closed iplasma closed 2 years ago
No this is not intended. Please provide an example input file
Here is the input file to reproduce the problem. It crashed when the electron name is "elec_C" instead of "elec". It actually has nothing to do with ionization so I remove those species in the input deck.
import numpy as np
twopi = 2*np.pi
twopi2 = twopi**2.0
box = [600,60]
res = [60,16] # resolution in space: cell number per unit length
number_of_patches = [256,128]
tmax = 15.00 # max sim. time
dr =[ 1./i for i in res ]
dt_CFL = 1./np.sqrt(sum(i**2 for i in res)) # Courant condition
res_t = (1./dt_CFL)/0.98 # resolution in t
dt =1./res_t
Nt = int(res_t) # steps needed to finish one time unit
for i in range(len(box)):
fac = float(box[i])*res[i]/number_of_patches[i]
if fac!=fac//1: fac = int(fac)+1
box[i] = float(fac)*number_of_patches[i]/res[i]
cells = list( np.array(box)*np.array(res) ) # total number of cells
lambda0=1000.0 #laser wavelegnth, nm
plasma_start = 100.0
a0=np.sqrt(1e19/1.1e18); tau=3e-12/(lambda0*1e-9/3e8);
focus=[plasma_start, box[1]/2.0]; waist=10.0
def time_envelope(t):
if 0<t<tau: return( (np.sin(np.pi*t/tau))**2 )
else: return (0)
def time_envelope_planewave(t):
global a0
if 0<t<tau: return( a0*(np.sin(np.pi*t/tau))**2 )
else: return (0)
dump_freq = 5*Nt
point = [box[0]-100.0, box[1]/2.0]
vector=[1.0, 0.0]
geometry = "2Dcartesian",
interpolation_order = 2,
grid_length = box,
cell_length = dr,
number_of_patches = number_of_patches, # each must be power of 2, total be greater than MPI ranks
timestep = dt,
simulation_time = tmax,
EM_boundary_conditions = [
solve_poisson = False, # False to have neutralized background
reference_angular_frequency_SI = 3.e8/1.0e-6, #speed of light / laser wavelegth, so length is normalized to laser wavelength, time to laser cycle, field to mcw0/e/(2pi), density to n_c/(2pi^2)
print_every = 10,
LaserGaussian2D(box_side="xmin", a0=a0, omega=twopi, polarization_phi=0.0, ellipticity=0, focus=focus, waist=waist, incidence_angle=0.0, time_envelope=time_envelope,)
Species(name = 'C6', position_initialization = 'regular',momentum_initialization = 'cold', particles_per_cell = 1, mass = 12*1836.0, charge = 6.0, number_density = 1.0, boundary_conditions = [ ["remove"], ['periodic'],], )
Species(name = 'elec_C',position_initialization = 'regular',momentum_initialization = 'cold', particles_per_cell = 1, mass = 1.0, charge = -1.0, number_density = 1.0, temperature = [1.0e-10], boundary_conditions = [ ["remove"], ["periodic"]], )
every = [0*Nt, tmax*Nt, int(0.5*Nt)],
flush_every = 50*Nt,
fields = ['Rho_elec_C', ]
Thanks for the report. I will push a fix soon
This is fixed already.
I encountered some issue with crashing for the diagnostic at t=0 with both ionization and preionized species, and it seemed to be related to the name of the electron of the preionized species. It has to be called "elec", otherwise it will crashed. Just wondering if this is intended.