SmileiPIC / Smilei

Particle-in-cell code for plasma simulation
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Failed to compile for GPU #742

Closed W-Wuxian closed 3 weeks ago

W-Wuxian commented 3 weeks ago


I got unexpected compiler errors while building Smilei 5.1 for omptask + GPU support. Where is my NVIDIA-SMI version report: 555.42.06 Driver Version: 555.42.06 CUDA Version: 12.5 I attached the makefile error log (makelog.log) make -j 12 machine="MyMachineFile" config="verbose omptasks gpu_nvidia" 2>&1 | tee makelog.log but most errors or warnings are like the following:

nvc++-Warning-No files to process
nvc++-Warning-Unknown switch: -Kfast
error: statement may not appear in a constexpr function
error: a constexpr function must contain exactly one return statement
error: identifier "__syncthreads" is undefined
error: identifier "__syncwarp" is undefined
error: identifier "threadIdx" is undefined
error: identifier "__cvta_generic_to_shared" is undefined

With config="verbose omptasks" make step ends without failure.

Steps to reproduce the problem

Loading modules

module purge
module load phdf5/nvhpc/24.7/1.14.3 nvhpc-hpcx-cuda12/nvhpc-hpcx-cuda12

Loaded modules: 1) phdf5/nvhpc/24.7/1.14.3 2) hpcx 3) nvhpc-hpcx-cuda12/nvhpc-hpcx-cuda12

Setting variables:

export SMILEICXX=nvc++
export GPU_COMPILER=nvcc
export BUILD_DIR=/opt/apps/libsoft/smilei/nvhpc/5.1
export PYTHONEXE=/opt/apps/miniconda3/env/root/envs/smilei_gpu_env/bin/python
export HDF5_ROOT_DIR=/opt/apps/fileformat/phdf5/nvhpc/1.14.3
export CXXFLAGS="-O3 -march=cascadelake -mtune=cascadelake -noswitcherror"
export OPENMP_FLAG="-fopenmp -D_OMP"

Compilation configuration

make -j 12 machine="MyMachineFile" config="verbose omptasks gpu_nvidia" 2>&1 | tee makelog.log


Options pour NVCC (Compilateur CUDA)

GPU_COMPILER_FLAGS += -O3 --std c++14 -arch=sm_50 -v GPU_COMPILER_FLAGS += --expt-relaxed-constexpr

LDFLAGS += -acc=gpu -gpu=cc50 -v -std=c++14 -cudalib=curand -lcudart -lcurand -lacccuda

- `make -j 12 make -j 12 machine="MyMachineFile" config="verbose omptasks gpu_nvidia"`
- Computing resources
  - type of computer : Cluster NUMA node + 1 GPU Quadro M5000
  - OS : Linux Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
  - NVIDIA-SMI 555.42.06              Driver Version: 555.42.06      CUDA Version: 12.5  
  - C++ compiler g++ (Ubuntu 12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 12.3.0
  - MPI version:
    +  `mpic++ --version`:
nvc++ 24.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp cascadelake 
NVIDIA Compilers and Tools
Copyright (c) 2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES.  All rights reserved.
mccoys commented 3 weeks ago

Please do not use omptasks. These are incompatible with gpu.

charlesprouveur commented 3 weeks ago

This is not a bug. As said above omptasks has nothing to do with the GPU implementation, please read the documentation on GPU compilation.

W-Wuxian commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, please review the attached makelog2.log as a result of the following configuration:

conda activate smilei_env
module load nvhpc-hpcx-cuda12/ phdf5/nvhpc/
export GPU_COMPILER=nvcc
export SMILEICXX=nvc++
export BUILD_DIR=/opt/apps/libsoft/smilei/nvhpc/5.1
export PYTHONEXE=/opt/apps/miniconda3/env/root/envs/smilei_gpu_env/bin/python
export HDF5_ROOT_DIR=/opt/apps/fileformat/phdf5/nvhpc/1.14.3

export CXXFLAGS="-O3 -march=cascadelake -mtune=cascadelake -noswitcherror -w -v -tp=cascadelake -gpu=cc50 -acc=gpu -std=c++14  -lcurand -cudalib=curand -Minfo=accel -D__GCC_ATOMIC_TEST_AND_SET_TRUEVAL=1"
export GPU_COMPILER_FLAGS="-O3 --std c++14 -arch=sm_50 -v --expt-relaxed-constexpr"
export LDFLAGS="-acc=gpu -gpu=cc50 -v -std=c++14 -cudalib=curand -lcudart -lcurand -lacccuda"

make -j 12 config="verbose noopenmp gpu_nvidia" 2>&1 | tee makelog2.log

I still get the same errors as previously.